"I wish I knew."

"I think you do. I was pointed in your direction, after all."

He leaned forward. "You do not seem to fear me."

"What is there to fear? The fangs?"

"They are intimidating."

"I'm sure they are." She took another drag of the cigarette.

"Why don't you fear them?"

"I'm sure you know that I am slightly more than human."

"And what are you?"

"I don't know what they call it, but I personally call myself a Manipulator."


"Yeah. I'm aware it's odd to say, especially since I have yet to find anyone like me."

"You do know there are witches-"

"I am not a witch."


She sighed and stubbed out the cigarette, placing it on the table ashtray. "There's a reason we're here right now and I don't know what it is."


"Perhaps, but fate has been nothing but cruel to me, but to you as well I assume."

"How do you assume that?"

"Mikaelson...you're an Original vampire. Surely there has been a lot of pain in the past thousand years."

Talia stepped forward to get a good look at the woman's face, making sure it was identical to hers as she suspected. She was correct and it terrified her a little.

Before she stepped back, the woman's head turned to the sound that was made at the front door and her heart sped up.

"Mikael," Elijah murmured. "I stayed too long."

"You couldn't have," she responded. "You haven't been here long."

"I mean I stayed in Europe too long," he corrected, trying to shrink away from Mikael. 

The man saw him anyway and Elijah sped to the exit. He was stopped though, by the stronger vampire that held a stake to his chest

"Hello, Mikael," he greeted, trying to conceal the shakiness of his voice. He had been intentionally drawing Mikael away from his siblings and it seemed he was succeeding, but he was cornered.

"Elijah," the man responded, pressing the stake closer to the chest. "Why is it I don't see Rebekah or that bastard with you?"

"They're not here."

"Where, then?" he asked.

"I'd rather die than tell you."

"I don't wish to kill you, Elijah. You are my son. If you tell me, Rebekah will be safe."

"And Klaus?"

"Klaus is not my son."

"Then why do you care so much?"

"He is an abomination."

"Are we not?"

"We can change, but he won't."

"Enough with this! Kill me now or leave! I have no information for you!"

As he readied the stake, Mikael was flung away by none other than Natalia, who stood with her hand outstretched. She oddly enough didn't seem surprised by her strength.

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