Chapter 25: Give Me Your Money

Start from the beginning

They forced us into the back of the van and locked the doors. Both men got in the van and began driving. It all happened so fast. We had gotten kidnapped. "Hannah, shh, shh. It'll be okay. Please stop crying, listen listen, shh. We'll get out of this alive okay? Nothing will happen "

"Wh-what if we-we don't make it, or-or they kill you or kill me. What if they don't just want money! What-what if they take the money then k-kill us! " I began getting hysterical. It was hitting me hard.


"WE'RE GOING TO DIE! " I yelled, suddenly I was engulfed in a warm hug, holding me tightly as I sagged in his arms trying to relax.

"We aren't going to die. Relax. " he said soothingly. "But-" I began and he cut me off.

"You're alright. Don't you cry, I am yours and you are mine. They can't get you, not while I'm here. You are safe I'm right here. You're alright, don't you cry. I am yours and you are mine. They can't get you, not while I'm here. No need to fear, I'm very near " Alexis sweetly sang to me, stroking my back tenderly.

I'm alright, I thought sleepily, cocooning myself to him. I'm alright

I'm such an idiot.

**** **** **** **** **** ****

"Wakey Wakey little Babies... Get the fuck up! "

I jolted awake finding Alexis's hand securely wrapped around my waist and him glaring at the second man who held a knife to my neck earlier. "She's so pretty isn't she? It'll be bad if she dies because you don't cooperate, yeah? " The second man said, grinning evilly.

"What do you want! "Alexis demanded.

"You don't get to demand here, boy! Now get the hell up before I blow your girlfriends brains out! "

"Okay, okay" he said then whispered in my ear "you'll be Alright, Hannah. I'm here. Relax. "

"Get moving! " the second man snarled, loosing patience.

We walked together into an abandoned looking building. The hairs on my neck stood, the sun had set. This is all Jordan's fault, if he hadn't gotten himself in detention for flirting with the damn teacher!

"Hannah... " I also blame Kenneth for taking 30 damn minutes making us look for him yet he was no where to be found!

"Hannah! " I blame traffic for holding us and delaying our time! If only we had gotten to Alexis's house earlier!

I felt a blow on my rib "ow! " I turned to glare at Alexis who was glaring at me "what!? "

"What are you thinking? Do you know where we are? "

"No! If I did I wouldn't be thinking so much " I hissed

"Well this place looks familiar, I've driven passed this place one time. I think I have an idea but I just don't know how to describe it-"

"Enough talking! " the first man commanded.

They gave us rough pushes, suddenly Alex lost it and pushed the first man. The first man's fist connected with Alexis's Jaw. I screamed as I saw his blood. Alexis grunted and threw a punch, landing on the man's nose. Twice. The second man hit Alexis on the rib and landed a punch on his cheek. In a flash the first man had Alexis pinned to the ground, landing punch after punch on him. I was in complete shock. My heart dropped to my stomach, they were going to kill him.

"Hannah, run! " Alexis bellowed.

I ran, without looking back, tears trickled down my face as my heart pumped speedily. I could feel my heart thumping in my ears. I was going to be alive, free! I could escape! Yet it felt like I was running into a hole. I hole I knew I would never be able to crawl out of. A hole that will eat me alive for as long as I lived. I couldn't run away and leave him, yet I was still running.

I ran till I saw what caught my eye.

A pole.

Without a second thought, I picked it up with the adrenaline still pumping. I ran back, full on sprinting. When I reached Alexis, the men where laughing at him. He was shaking and rocking himself back and front. My heart squeezed.

The second man pinned Alexis down with tears streaming down his face. "What? You don't like when I touch you like this? " the man ran his hands through Alexis's rippled chest. I gritted my teeth.

I was not Alright.

Without thinking I whacked the first man upside the head, burning with rage. The fell unconscious to the ground. The second man was alert. He stood up holding his knife, glaring at me. "You're being a naughty little girl. Drop that weapon"

"Weapon ke? This one no be weapon o. " I looked at him skeptically. How was a pole considered a weapon.

"I don't have time for this! " he snarled and launched at me. The knife went into my skin, tearing my flesh. I gasped not knowing when his fist came in contact with my cheek. I bit my tongue by accident, tasting the metallic taste of blood. I groaned, holding the pole tightly then hit him on the arm he used in holding his knife. He grunted and glared at me so hard I probably would have been six feet under.

He hit me again and drove the knife into my gut. My face twisted in pain as I staggered. "You bitch! You wanna die!? "

My eyes traveled to Alex who was still and staring into oblivion. Even if I couldn't save myself, I would try to save him. I dropped on my knees, my eyes had a hard time staying open. He used his foot to push me down and I began coughing, spitting blood in the process.

Finally my eyes closed and I stiffened, his foot steps were distant. I still felt the coolness of the pole on my palm. The darkness was welcoming, yet I felt it wasn't my time. It wasn't my time.

My eyes fluttered open, it felt heavy and I saw double. Blinking multiple times, I was finally able to focus. I saw the man dragging Alexis who was screaming, "Hannah! No no no no, she isn't dead-shut up! She isn't dead! Hannah, Hannah? Hannah get the fuck up! PLEASE! "

What was happening? My body felt stiff, my limbs felt numb, and I was really tired. Alexis fought with the man and kicked him in the balls. He ran towards me, hands shaking as he crouched near my numb form. He was weeping, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! " He shook me. It was so hard to open my eyes. "Please, please, please! "

Alexis, I'm here. I'm Alright.

He checked my pulse and sniffed. When he found a pulse he began crying allover again. "You're alive, you're Alright! "

"I'm Alright " I faintly replied, opening my eyes and giving him a faint smile.

He hugged me, the pain exploded from my abdomen but I didn't neglect the hug, if anything I welcomed it. Alexis grunted and fell on the ground, arching his back. The second man had a scowl on his face, he glared at Alexis with so much hatred. So much hate.

He rose his knife above his head, aiming for Alexis's heart. I shakily stood up. Gripping the pole tighter. It felt like a million needles were jabbing my belly. My eyes teared and it felt like it was all in slow motion when the knife descended. With the last energy in me, I ran and drove the pole into the mans back.

The sickening crack made me dizzy. I just murdered. The man slumped down and I followed suit, landing on my back before I blacked out.



So, what did you think? I thought that Hannah was really badass.

What do you feel about Kenneth?


What about Alexis?

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