MBTI briefly

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This chapter will be about MBTI fully, not just INFJs; the first few chapters will be about determining your personality type. These chapter's were cut off from "Personality Types | All You Need To Know"

MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

People often make mistake of saying "MBTI type", " MBTI test" or "MBTI as...". The word 'type' already made into MBTI, and 'indicator' already signifies that it's a test. If you're going to talk about the topic, I suggest you call it "Myers-Briggs types" or just "MB types". You could also call it "16 personality types" but it could be a little confusing.

What is it exactly?

It's an introspective self-report questionnaire used to determine one's personality type - their psychological differences.

Psychological differences could signify the way we think, act, make decisions or the entire way the mind works, along with how we view the world and people around us.

Who invented it?

Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers are the ones entitled to MBTI.

But could it be somebody else?

Not everybody seems to believe it, but the person mainly considered to actually have created the 16 personality types theory is Carl G. Jung.

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. The mother and daughter, considered as the personality types creators by some people (who mostly lack this knowledge), were just random people (I've heard somewhere they were farmers, I'm not sure about it) who stole the theory.

Their 'creations' have an absence of public record, while Jung's doesn't.

There isn't much information I can offer about this, since many sources say some different things about details, but you should search it up.

Carl Jung suggested that random behavior of people is actually based on people's preferences in mental capacities.

There are more of his theories, about which you can read in his book Psychological Types.

Is it really accurate?

Yes, it is, the way it's supposed to. Your personality type won't necessarily tell you about your everyday preferences or choices, but it can make some general guesses.

Your personality type won't determine in who you will fall in love, neither their type; won't determine how you will fall in love, fail in something, die or anything like that.

The theory can make guesses about how you are most likely to function in a psychological way, not in any other. It can say the say you're most likely going to make a decision (by heart or head) and some other similar things. They can't predict for sure.

How can I know what my type is?

The way most people like to choose is taking an online test. It is a way of self-observing, so you are likely to get a wrong answer.

Although, if you often observe yourself and your actions, if the questions help you remember of certain situations that may help you with answering and if you're being completely honest, you may get an appropriate answer.

The reason I'm completely sure that I'm an INFJ is that I took many tests, got the same answer on all of them and read a lot about INFJs and cognitive functions, about which I will talk in later chapters.

You may get a wrong answer, so if you don't get a certain type on all of them, doesn't mean you aren't it.

Also, the things you read about your type may be overly general and it may seem similar to you. I suggest reading into it more, and waiting until you read something that seems weirdly familiar, most likely provoking certain memories to justify the stated.

Cognitive functions have a big role with determining a personality type. You will be able to read about it later in the book.

Can my personality type change?

It can, especially during puberty. You will most likely notice that your thinking, observing and choices making habits have changed.

There's no time specified to know in how long your type will change. You can't know whether it will change or not either.

That was all I had to say. If you have any more questions, comment and I will either answer it there or add it to one of the chapters.

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