Chapter 5: Till Tomorrow

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What can I say? I have to quit my job or I lose this one?

What the fuck is he thinking? I need both jobs to survive the hardship of the economy?

"I'm sorry Mr. Parker, isn't there another option?"

"No there isn''s either you quit or forget about this one. I don't need my employee to be distracted by another job. I appreciate a really good focus and with you balancing two jobs, I don't see that happening."

"I can do it! I've always done it!" I voiced out my optimism.

"Maybe you have... but not with me." his eyes grew dark and every emotion disappeared.

"Mr Parker please! I need both jobs!"

"I said, and I repeat... I'll double whatever it is that they pay you where you work that is if you accept to quit."

He'll double it? Well it's still gonna feel like two jobs but with one less stress. How can I refuse?

"Fine... I'll quit." I said, defeated.

"Good! Let's head to the hotel now, my PA is taking care of everything."

"Taking care of everything? As in present tense?"

He looks at me and took a sip of his wine.

"What do you mean by taking care of everything?

"Exactly what it means... by now your office must've been cleaned out and your resignation submitted."


My blood boiled. How can he be this annoying and dominant? He thinks he's the alpha male and can have whatever he wants?

"What are you talking about?"

"The moment you got here, I asked my PA to take care of things."

"What if I'd refused? I'll be rendered jobless?"

"I know you wouldn't refuse." he said with a bit of sass in his voice.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Money talks Miss talks. You wouldn't want to miss out on being paid times two of what they offered you at the publishing company and your workload will reduce."

He is right.

"Doesn't mean you can buy me."

"Yes I can. Shall we?" he stands to button up his suit before waiting for me to pack my things.

We walk out of the restaurant and into his Ferrari. How much money does this guy have? The last car was a Lexus and now this? The car smells of fine leather and Adrian's cologne.

His hands tighten on the steering wheel and I couldn't help but notice his firm grip on it. He'd used those hands to erupt a volcano in me one time and to explore every feminine part of me.

Why am I still hung up on him? He probably doesn't even remember that night, I might just be another conquest to him.

But boy is he handsome! His eyes focus on the road like he was trying to solve a math problem and he obeyed every traffic rule. His facial hair was short and coarse and it outlined his chiselled jaw.

His muscles were firm and his skin tan. His dark brown hair is neatly combed together with only a strand falling to his forehead and I felt like touching it and putting it back in place.

I couldn't see his eyes anymore as he takes out his sunglasses to cover them. His presence filled the whole car and It made it seem small and I inferior.

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