Chapter 4: Quit Or Lose

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Getting home, I arrive at exactly eight p.m. I drop my handbag on the couch and hastily take of my clothes before heading to the bathroom for a quick bath.

I scrub my body to wipe away the ugliness I felt. Adrian made me feel ugly and used. After my bath, I went to the kitchen to heat up the left over pie for dinner.

I felt strained and I needed a shut eye but I couldn't with the loads of work I have. I got down to business on my laptop as I try to finish up my office work and figure out how to proceed with the recent task at hand.

How could Adrian have given me a deadline? He seemed to be so professional and uptight which is the exact opposite of the Adrian at the wedding who was calm, attentive and caring and he showed me just how much he cared that night.

I don't know how a night with a guy has got me so glued to him that I can't even seem to hate him even after leaving me. He must've drugged me with something that still makes me feel the way I felt when I met him for the first time. 

Hours passed and I finally finished with both jobs. I look at the time which says three a.m. I really need to catch some sleep if I want to get to the office on time, both bosses are being a pain in the ass. I shut down the laptop and retired to bed.

As I lay wide awake on the bed, my thoughts roamed. I would never have thought that Adrian will one day be someone I'd work for, If I had the slightest idea as to who he was I'm not sure I would've allowed him to sleep with me that night.

Who am I kidding? It doesn't matter what status he holds in society, what matters is the affection I felt towards him.

I didn't think for a second, I couldn't think especially with him so close to me and I felt like the world was snatched away from under me when he left me after our passionate night. And now, the universe has brought him back to my grasp but it seems like he's not the same man. My thoughts wander and I drift off into the sleep.


I know I can hear faint ringing in my ears and it's getting louder by the minute. The sound of the alarm force me to open my eyes and I look at the clock which shows six a.m. I can't believe I only slept for three hours, I wonder how my eyes looks due to the lack of sleep.

I reluctantly place my feet on the floor while my body was still on bed. The bed keeps calling me back and I never knew that the feel of my bed could be so enticing.

With much effort, I force my body up and head to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. If coffee can kill I'm sure I would've died last night, I kept drinking coffee in order to stay awake and finish the work I had.

I grab my laptop and sent the work to my boss as he'd requested. I've never been this choked up with work before, I always knew how to balance my schedule. But with Adrian, he seems to have come into my life only to shatter it.

After the coffee, I head to the bathroom to take a shower. Without wasting much time in the bathroom, I scan through my wardrobe to take out an outfit for the day.

"I've got it!"

I bring out a maroon belted dress and Stilletos, applied a little makeup to cover my swollen eyes and tied my hair in a ponytail. I'm super hungry and I've got no clue of what I'll eat so I decide to settle for cereal, you can't go wrong with cereal right?


Adrian hasn't called yet to fix a time when he will like to see the designs. I wondered If I should call Richard or I'll just wait for his call.

"Mia you have a call on line two."

Rachel from the front desk tapped on my door.

"Who is it from?" I asked.

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