What happend

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"Wait what?"

"Ugh how do you know who Mr. Karasuma is?"

"Oh he was my teacher."

"Oh really and why were you talking about the Class 3-E reunion?!"

Ding dong*

"I got it."

Kayano walks up and opens the door.

"This isn't a good time-."

"Well that's not a nice way to greet your sister."

"Oh sorry Aguri."

"It's ok who's this young fellow."

"This is Python one of the Assassins at the MOD."

"Oh hi I'm Aguri, Akari's sister."

"Hi I'm Python."

"Akari Where's Koro."

"Oh he's flying around he'll be back in 3.........2..........1.........0."

Koro-Sensei comes flying threw

"Nufufufuf hello Akari how are you and Aguri."

"She was just looking for you Koro-Sensei."

"Akari now sound like I missed him."

"Well it's true you two are dating."

"Ah N- I mean Python I need to speak to you alone."

"Who's name were you about to say Koro-sensei."

"No one."


Koro-Sensei and Nagisa went outside

"Nufufufuf So have you gotten closer to Akari."

"The reunion is actually tomorrow and the next day so we are having you introduce yourself tomorrow ok."

"Ok sir but won't they be pissed at me I mean I've been hiding my identity from Akari for two days won't she hate me."

"Nagisa you have to realize that yes they will be devastated at first but they will be so happy to see you again especially Akari she misses you dearly I always went to check on her every day of every year she would always go in your room and look around she even found the Valentine's Day box she gave to you I've been meaning to ask you why did you keep it."

" I know about that Karma told me and I also kept it because I-I want her to be in my life but I wasn't in hers and I can't believe that I broke her heart."

"It's ok but let's go inside."

They walk back inside and after an hour Aguri and Koro-Sensei leave leaving them.

"So how do you know Koro-Sensei?"

"Well I can't tell you that is classified."

"Fine and Koro-Sensei said it's tomorrow the reunion right."

"Yep and the day after that."

"Oh ok but I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Can you ask Mr.K about Nagisa because last time I saw him he was in the ware house and then it collapsed I saw Koro-Sensei rummaging around and I fainted I don't know if he found him and I want to know but Goodnight Python."

"I'll ask him for you but I doubt he has any information on Nagisa what's his last name."


"Wait so you live with his mom because."

"Because I know she would be lonely."

"Awe that's very nice and also shouldn't we eat dinner?"

"Oh right it's only 7:00."

"I'll make us dinner."

Nagisa was making ramen with a beef broth .

"Here you go sorry if it's plain."

"No no it's fine it's really good."

"Thank you."

After they ate they cleaned their dishes and watched a movie Akari fell asleep so he brought her up to her room and tucked her in bed.

"Goodnight Akari."

"Goodnight Python."

Once he almost closed the door all he heard was.

"Goodnight........Nagisa I love you and miss you dearly."

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