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Hello everyone this story is about Nagisa x Kayano

Disclaimer I don't own any of these characters or Assassination classroom.

Thank you everyone for reading now a little bit more about the story. On how Nagisa almost died he got the tentacles the same way Koro-sensei did but Nagisa was human the tentacles asked him what is your wish he said to protect Kayano for as long as he lived. On the mission the ware house they were in clasped down on him and Karma. Karma made it out alive, but Koro-Sensei has to look for Nagisa all of the class left Kayano the most hurt because she loved Nagisa. Koro-sensei found him alive and brought him to one of the secret abandoned house where the Ministry of defense can look after him Koro-sensei trained him and after 5 years Mr. Karasuma decided to make Nagisa.... the new Reaper.

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