Ali: ok come on baby!

I bounce her a little she laughs I put her on the swing she loves it. We have been here for 10 minutes and there's paparazzi everywhere.

Ali: come on baby we have to go.

She starts to cry when I take her out the swing the paparazzi are having a blast watching my daughter cry. They keep screaming and there scarring her.

Ali: it's ok baby mommy is here.

I put her in the car I rush to the other side and get in I pull of she falls asleep on the car ride to Disney.

11:30 am

I pull into Disney Everest is still asleep in her seat I have to feed her soon. I park the car in a private area I text Paris and Kelli.

I take out Everest stroller I put the diaper bag in the bottom of the stroller. I take her out the cars seat and strap her in the stroller without waking her up.

I walk to the private entrance I see Paris and Kelli I wave to them

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I walk to the private entrance I see Paris and Kelli I wave to them. We work together they wanted to meet Everest and hangout.

Kelli: hey Ali is this her?!

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Kelli: hey Ali is this her?!

Ali: yeah but she's sleeping should we get food first?

Paris: yes I'm so hungry.

We walk to a café we site outside Everest starts to wake up.

Ali: hi my baby are you hungry?

She puts her head in my chest I take out my boob she latches on.

Ali: so what do you guys want to do first?

Kelli: well Paris hates roller coasters so she can watch Everest while we go on some rides.

Ali: that's fine with me.

Everest unlatched after we finished eating.

Ali: I'll pay!

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