Chapter 39: Taken

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Jae POV:

"So his kid is most likely to be a psycho too" he explains with a look of concern in his eyes. I can tell that he's passionate about his job but he's just left me speechless, I mean what can a person say in such a sticky situation like this? "I guess I'm paranoid but whenever I see a kid that isolated themselves automatically I think they have the same illness as my brother" he adds and I just nod my head in agreement. It's understandable I guess.

"Wait you talking like you see loads of kids on a daily" I laugh expecting him to join in with with me thinking that he was just exaggerating well unless he has loads of kids which I highly doubt but then again I wouldn't be surprised if he did. But he never laughs along leaving me to slowly die down my laughter to make it less awkward.

"Yeah I am a primary school teacher so I monitor my kids a lot" he answers and I just nod my head in agreement trying my best to picture him as a teacher with little kids but I just can't seem to see it, he is just so tall and broad I feel like the kids would be scared.

"Wow which school?" I ask him feeling quite curious sitting up on my seat.

"Green hill" he beams and instantly my heart drops. Green hill? That's the same school that Junae and Lucas attend, that's the same place where that new teacher has come and started harassing Lucas. I look up at him dazed but he just has this smile on his face.
"You ok?" He asks me grabbing onto my hand making me fake smile at him.

"Yeah of course I just realised that I booked an appointment at 9:30 last night and I totally forgot" I lie as I clear my throat looking through my documents acting as if it's an important client. I was so close to opening up to this man and now all I want is just for him to leave me.

"No no worries hopefully we can have a session about you next time and I get to know about your kids" he reassures me as he packs up his stuff and gets his

"I'm sorry I had to cut this short"

The whole day I couldn't sleep not think straight, my mind was all over the place and I didn't like it. I don't want to feel paranoid but I feel like Mr. Kim knows what he's doing, he knows who I am, he knows who Lucas is and he's playing with our minds until he finds the right moment to make his move.

But what move is it exactly?

Losing Lucas would tear me apart and that'll mean losing Junae too if Mr. Kim finds out I'm the reason he can't find his brother, he probably already knows. At this point in time it's looking like Germany might be the best and safest option for all of us. I know I'm supposed to be teaching my kids not to run away from their problems but this isn't a problem this is a damn threat and I don't take threats very well.

"Mum, you dropping us off or Uncle JB?" Lucas barges into my room without knocking and asks with his hands firmly folded across his chest and with that famous poker face that he always has on. Does he ever smile? "You're not in you work clothes so are you dropping us off?" He asks again snapping me out of my thoughts. I need to stop worrying, I know there is nothing wrong with my Lucas.

"No I just need to sort some stuff out, Uncle is dropping and picking you up" I tell him with a gentle smile on my face as I mess up his hair causing him to sigh. He looks at me weirdly as if trying to figure something out, it's probably because I never skip work and well today I decided not to go in. Still spooked that I shared a room with Kai's brother. What if they are the same?

"Mum are you ok? You seem on edge more than usual" he comments looking up at me with worry in his eyes. Knowing Lucas he won't let it go if I just tell him that I am ok since he already thinks I'm a liar I don't want to distance myself from him.

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