Chapter Fifteen -- Jez

Start from the beginning

"Now that isolated green room tornado makes sense." She shifted in her chair.

"Yeah. Well, he's kind of been following me around which is why he was able to get to me before Benji could do anything."

Linds blinked in shock. "Wait, Benji drugged you?"

"Yeah. I went to La Rogue because... I don't know. Maybe I wanted to prove to myself that things would go back to normal. They're not. But yeah Asher got to me first and took me here."

"That's sweet. Most guys wouldn't stop a bus from hitting an ex."

"Well, I wasn't an ex yet in his mind. But I am now." I sniffled and snickered before wiping my eyes. "Before I was a little sad, I didn't want to end things, but it made sense. Him being associated with me like that would hurt his brand too much."

"Well, there's your problem."


"You didn't really break up with him."

"I told him to get out... I kicked his ass."

"Yeah, but it wasn't because either of you wanted to end it. That was external, this shit... But why?"

"Because I mentioned leveraging what Benji tried to do to keep him quiet about Asher beating the shit out of him."

"Ah, so he was unnerved about the fact that you're essentially a robot."

"For the love of fuck, hush."

"It's okay it's always a little jarring the first time someone realizes that you think in spin. You've always been a bit off, but this job has kind of infected you, Jez."

"Gee, thanks."

"It's not a bad thing. We're all changed by what we do. Kind of like how on occasion you know if I ask you to lunch it's not because I want to hang out but because I want to pitch a band to you, and how we know we can only trust Claudia because we know literally every skeleton in her closet."

"And attic," I smirked.

"But you get it. You were together a month, for you, that's a like a ten-year marriage. So Asher's rejection is going to fucking hurt—like Brazilian wax for the first time hurt." She sighed. "But it sucks because he was a good influence on you. You smiled more. I was going to say something about it at the last show."

"Yeah. Thanks for making me feel even more like shit."

"You're welcome. You know I'm always here for you." She grinned and laughed. "So how is all of this going to work now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to keep repping them?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I furrowed my brows.

"One. Zero. One. Zero. Zero. Zero. One."


"I'm trying to offer my sympathy in your native language." Linds stuck her tongue out, and we shared a laugh.

"Oh, fuck you." I wiped my eyes.

"Well, I'm here if you need me. But if you ask me, you should out what Benji tried to do. This isn't just about you. He could have done that shit to other people, ones without a sexy stalker to come to their rescue."

"Yeah, I'll issue a—" My phone buzzed, and I sighed as I looked at a notice about Asher speaking to press. I pressed play and watched as he described what happened like I said, except he called out Benji by name. I groaned.

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