
"Here," Alexander whispered and led Nikk and Anya into the kitchen. Fumbling in the gloom, they hid behind the stack of boxes piled by the window.

"Aw," Nikk stifled his moan as his ankle hit the edge of one of the boxes. Something heavy metallic clinked. "What do you keep in there?"

"Some things from work. Nothing important." Alexander put a finger to his lips.

Nikk felt Anya's shivering beside him, her unsteady breathing against his neck. He had to save her. He listened. Approaching footsteps were heard, and cluttering steels of Leir and Nikk's sister. How they managed to parry in such a small room was a mystery to Nikk. Yet, they did. Amazing. The shattering of objects, muffled sounds of the furniture being destroyed was all Nikk could hear.

"You can't win, Daphne," Leir went out, deflecting her each blow. "I know you better than you think. I foresee your each move..."

Lunge, block, counterattack. The rasping of the swords. Charge, deflect, feint. Obsessed, the two of them noticed nothing around.

"Do you have the crystals?" Anya's father asked in a low voice. "No way we get out of here otherwise."

"All left in Paititi," Anya mouthed.

Someone's sword cluttered to the floor. By sheer force of will did Nikk stay in place, and did not run to aid Daphne. She has to do this on her own. Nikk peeked out from between the boxes.

"How do you know this technique..." Daph gasped, pressed against the wall with Leir's blade an inch from her throat.

"Ther didn't teach you this, Daphne," Leir said, an uncharacteristic hint of disappointment in his voice. "I did." The blade pressed harder. "Was your brother right, saying you can't see the difference between dream and reality any longer?.."

Then, all of a sudden, Nikk saw a large shadow standing on the threshold. Choraun. A wave of his hand, and Leir's blade fell to the floor.

Leir winced, startled, and cocked his head. Only now did he see his father's right hand.

"You show too much sympathy to this daitian, my prince," Choraun hissed. "No more talking, all right? Let me kill her and take the book." He extended his black hand toward Daphne.

"No," Leir shielded her with his back. "We had an order not to kill anyone."

"I suggested the order to your father. Now I suggest otherwise." Choraun cackled. "Do you want Kraine to consider his son a coward?"

Dismay fogged Leir eyes. For a fraction of a second, Nikk thought Leir was going to kill Daphne. "How dare you question my bravery!.."

Daphne darted aside, seizing her sword. Her gaze slid across the boxes, she gave Nikk a barely noticeable nod.

"There're two options then," Alexander went on. "First: kill everyone and just take the book; second: there's my friend's antiquety store across the street. We must be able to find the crystals there."

"What friend?" Anya asked, taken aback. "Michail? Dad, you're scaring me. Turns out I know nothing about you."

"Sorry, it came to this, sweetheart." Yes, he really loves his daughter, Nikk realized. Though the man was still a mystery in his eyes. "Anyway, the first option isn't really an option."

"Why?" Nikk raised an eyebrow.

"Choraun is invisible."

Daphne's white ponytail blazed, as her sword struck Choraun across the back. Anyone would have been chopped in half, but he seemed to have no injury beyond the cut cloak.

Choraun hissed. "I'm getting tired." He brought two daggers out of his sleeves and deflected Daphne's next blow.

Leir get the hold of his blade.

Now. "Run!" Nikk hopped out from behind the boxes and hurried to Leir.

Suddenly, he froze halfway as he saw Choraun toss one of his blades toward them, it wedged into Alexander's stomach. Anya's father made a painful intake of breath and collapsed.


"Give me the book, human," Choraun demanded.

Nikk darted back to Anya.

"Too late," Leir bared his teeth, holding her in his arms. "Too late."

The adri flashed. They disappeared.

Nikk whirled around, but Choraun was gone. The room suddenly was deadly quiet. No fomoires, no Anya, no book.

Nikk met Daphne's frightened eyes.

"They're gone." His sister whispered, shocked. "They're gone."



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