Cameron had had enough of her ranting and pulled her into his lap. She buried her face into his chest, unwilling to face the reality of her situation. Yeah, it's true, it could die off, be a one time thing, but on the off chance it didn't... she didn't want to contemplate. She wasn't comfortable being in the public's eye. She was fine with being known as Cameron's girlfriend because she wasn't the main focus. But the ad made her the focus. People are looking at her. What if they found her lacking? For now, though, she allowed herself to relax into his embrace, not complaining when he buried his face in her hair.

'I don't exactly understand your concerns,'he began. At least he's honest. 'But I can help you alleviate some of your worries. I'll talk to some people about it. Maybe my lawyer. And PR manager. You should probably ask Amelia. About the clothes and modelling world.'

'You're right,'she mumbled as she got an invisible lint off his shirt. 'But it's soo unexpected. Soo overwhelming. I was only your girlfriend before this. Now I'm his muse? I didn't sign up for that. I only signed up to be a trainee sport agent and your girlfriend. Although I didn't sign up to be Amelia's sister, I was prepared. Slightly. This-this just blew up in my face. I don't know what to do. How to react.'

'That's why you have me,'he responded gently. Slowly, the finger under her chin forced her to look at him. The warmth and strength in his eyes reassured her.

It reassured her now as well. Cameron had made good his promise and talked to his lawyer while she went to Amelia. Which she wished she had not. Amelia had used this as an opportunity to dress her up. She was forced to go shopping. For clothes! And makeup! And she had to learn how to use them. It was a laborious process which involved her hiding in her room most often then not, trying to escape the whirlwind that was Amelia.

'Even if you don't want to be reminded of it. It'll still be there to haunt you,'Amelia replied. She sent Sharon an excited smile. 'Who would have thought? My sister as the muse. For Elliot. The most sought-after designer. He doesn't need money so he doesn't do things to please people so if you get a compliment from him, you know he's genuinely happy about you-'

'Well, I like the validation but I don't need it,'she interjected. At Amelia's skeptical look, she growled. 'I don't need to pressure myself to uphold an image that isn't me. I don't need the constant calls from the press. I don't need the website that has popped up dissing me as both a model and a girlfriend. And I really don't need this on top of the trip we're taking. On top of Cameron's career switch. All I want to focus on right now is Cameron. He needs me right now. Well, need is a pretty strong word. So I'll rephrase that and say I would like to support Cameron right now because it helps to take my mind off the trip. But I don't know how. Every method that I have tried has not worked. He's big on avoidance. I've contemplated roping his mother in but that will only ostracise him. Any suggestions?'

At Amelia's lost look, she knew she'd have to turn to other sources.

  - ------------@@@@@@------------

Loud, deafening music. Sweaty bodies grinding. Swirling, throbbing lights. All the signs that he was in for a good night. And he was miserable. Cameron was currently in a club with the rest of his teammates. It was their last get together before the training camp starts. He hadn't wanted to go but Sharon had encouraged him. Her reasoning was, 'You need something to get your mind away from your future. Even if you won't let me help you. Have some fun.'

Right. Fun. He was having sooo much fun. Note the sarcasm. He'd rather be back at home, watching a movie with her. Or fighting about her ice cream intake. Or even allowing her to start on the topic of his future and then distracting her. Yeah. That was infinitely fun and enjoyable. He smiled even as he thought about it.

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