Chapter 3

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Sharon was awoken by ice cold water. She sat up and saw Cameron smiling at her with a bucket with him. She was momentarily blinded by his extraordinarily good look. If it had not been for the obvious scars from his trade, he would have looked like a model just coming off the runway. But his scars and the numerous bumps on his nose, indicating multiple breaks, dimmed his looks slightly. Just a tiny bit.

She was reminded of her forcible awakening when some water dripped from her hair and into her eyes. She shook herself from her reverie and sent him a venomous glare. 'Why did you do this?'she snarled as she stalked to the bathroom and closed the door in his face.  She heard some mumbling and shouted,'I can't hear you.'

'I wanted breakfast,'he replied. 'Amelia claimed that you are a good cook.'

'That doesn't mean that you had to wake me up, Cam,'she growled exasperatedly. She sighed heavily and told him to wait for her outside. She had just turned on the shower when her door burst in. She stared blankly at Cameron until she noticed where his eyes were located.  She threw the soap at him and tried to find something to cover her body.

'Get out!'she screamed as she wrapped the shower curtains around her body. She continued to throw odd bits and pieces until he left. 'What the hell was that?!' She was sitting down on the toilet seat cover, covered by a towel, still reeling over the fact that he had been staring at her big body and he wasn't repulsed by it.

'I thought that you had been taken or something,'he said hesitantly. Sharon threw the door a look full of disbelief. It seemed that he had felt her disbelief. 'Alright, that wasn't the most creative of answers but I was genuinely worried.  You didn't say anything. Plus I wanted to know what you looked like under all that cloth. And I wasn't disappointed.' He sounded so smug and condescending that she was tempted to go out there and bludgeon him with the nearest  blunt object.

'I am seriously considering whether i should be staying with such a deranged member of society. I feel it would be best for everyone, meaning me, that I look for that hit man to off you,'she warned. She heard what was apparently a badly muffled chuckle. 'Are you laughing at me?'

'No, no, I would dream of doing that in the face of danger whose name is Sharon Ashwood,'he said drily. Sharon had to chuckle slightly too. Her threats were ridiculous. She was surprised that he was able to handle her humor. Most guys would have been offended by now. He was surprisingly a good sport.

'Alright. That is good to know,'she told him. 'Now let me enjoy my shower before I cook for you breakfast. No more bursting in, Cam.'

'Alright, alright,'he reassured her. When she heard him leave, she went and locked the door to discourage any more mischief. Maybe staying with him for a few weeks was not going to be as hard as she had thought.

  - ---------@@@@@@------------

Cameron was still smiling at their antics. She was truly not intimidated by him or in awe either. She was treating him like a normal man. Something that was a foreign concept to him. Ever since he joined pro football, everyone had treated him as if he was god, or at least a being above men. He had been put on a pedestal and only a select few were able to act normally around him. However, with his current shoulder injury, he was suddenly confronted by how mortal he was. He was not impervious to hurt and his body could and would work against him.

Sharon was a welcome respite from all that was going on in his head. He could ignore his agent's words and he could put away the press's cruel words. He could just act like himself and not try to be someone he's not.

Sharon came down the hall wearing some baggy shirt and shorts. He was sad to see her curves covered up but he knew from the way she dressed last night and the way she freaked out this morning that she was not comfortable with her body. It's just as well he didn't need the distraction.

'Ok, what do we have?'she mumbled, as she rummaged the huge fridge in the kitchen. Cameron was shocked,she was acting like he wasn't there. He had never been so ignored before. He waited for her to acknowledge him but she just took out food after food and started cooking.

'Excuse me,'he said, caving in. She kept ignoring him. He suddenly saw what was happening; she was giving him the silent treatment. Well two could play at that. So it was a silent kitchen with the occasional chopping and stirring.

Finally, she placed a stack of pancakes and a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of him and smiled. 'Sorry for not greeting you just now. Whenever I am going to cook, I don't like to stop the recipes going through my head,'she explained, while getting the utensils out.

Cameron was shocked another time that morning. He felt his face redden in embarrassment.

'Are you blushing?' Sharon asked incredulously. He shook his head, still not saying anything. 'Clearly you are. No one gets that red unless they're not breathing. If that is so, I'd expect you to turn blue soon. Cam?'

He had ignored her and was currently eating the pancakes and some toast. He felt her puzzled look. It was burning into him. He wanted to tell her but he didn't want to look stupid. In the end he did what all sting men did.

'I thought you were giving me the silent treatment,'he confessed.  She choked on what she was eating. 'Women have been given me that treatment many times before and I assumed the fact that you didn't even acknowledge me was my punishment for my earlier stunt.'

He waited for her response and was greeted by laughter.  The rolling on the floor, tears dripping kind of laughter.  He glared at her as she literally rolled at his feet, her face growing red with her laughter. He continued eating, knowing it was going to take a while for her to collect herself.

He didn't know what was soo funny anyways.

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