Chapter 24

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'Cameron. Come on. One serving before I go to bed. You owe me,'Sharon whined crankily as Cameron led her by the hand into the penthouse. She was exhausted. The shoot had taken longer than expected. Clay just couldn't stop shooting. Put your arms here, put your arms there. Lift your head higher, lower, right, left. Arch your eyebrow, arch the left one, the right one. Look at Cameron and smile. She liked that direction although she found it unnecessary as she was always looking at him.

Apart from Clay's incessant clicking, the designer came in with more clothes for her. Initially, after being told that someone not authorised was going to model his creation, he had stormed in, obviously going to put a stop to it. Cameron had been prepared when he saw the man, going to the extent of standing in front of her. She hadn't been aware of anything, just resting and hopeful that she could take off the dress soon. However, she'd felt the sudden tension in the air and moved to stand by Cameron's side. He'd tried to push her being him but she'd just glared him into submission.

Suddenly, Elliot, the designer, stopped in front of her and looked her over. She didn't think much of it. She'd thought he was going to help her take it off. Although she didn't think she could disrobe in front of such a hot guy. Seriously, he had perfectly styled golden brown hair which flopped over his right eye, his left eye was a sharp green, as he did not miss anything in his perusal of her, his face was triangular with sharp cheekbones. It made his face look quite dramatic. His body was leaner than Cameron but she'd seen the muscles moving under his clothes. And his clothes, don't get her started. Let's just say it was the perfect balance between masculine and urban. Then he smiled and said,'You are perfect for my creations. Let me get them and we will continue.'

After that, it was just a continuous cycle of change, pose, pose, pose and repeat. She was only supposed to accompany Cameron for one couple outfit and he had other outfits to shoot with his team mates. But after Elliot came, she was put in the mix as well. She was shot in between the boys and Elliot practically beamed at her when she was in front of the camera. She'd seen Stephanie fuming at the side even though her part was over.

Cameron was upset that he'd let Elliott practically ''eye rape'' her in front of him. His words. She'd just rolled her eyes and give him a ''really? Now?'' look. He'd been stubborn about it. He'd been ready to pummel the man when she'd pulled him to the side to talk him out of it. He was insistent and said he would only be willing to drop it if she'd kissed him. 'What?! Cameron! Not now.'

'Yes. I have to make sure you're mine and he was looking at you as more than a model,'he'd said angrily, taking an involuntary step towards said man. From the look in his eyes, she knew he wouldn't be appeased otherwise. So making sure no one was looking, she'd stood on her toes and pecked his lips. Or that was the intention but he wanted more.

His hands took hold of her waist and he pressed his lips harder against hers, taking the lead in the kiss. She was soo startled that she'd let him and was swept away by the wave of passion and feel of his lips. One kiss turned to two which turned to three and more. He'd pulled her body deeper into his and she'd felt his arousal. Usually, she'd be flushed, not used to ardent reaction towards her, but she'd only pushed herself even further into his body. Finally, they had to come up for air. She'd been blushing furiously while he had a triumphant smile. He'd been more malleable after that, although he did send frequent glares at Elliot.

The shoot ran deep into the night, finishing only after midnight. She'd grown tired and cranky by then. She didn't throw a fit but she just couldn't bring herself to smile. Cameron had only been able to get her to smile and pose by promising her a big bowl of ice cream with all the toppings when they got back. Others had looked at him in disbelief but it worked. While she'd been working, all she could think about was her ice cream.

And now Cameron was thinking to stiff her.

'I'm not trying to stiff you,'he shouted from the bathroom. Had she said that out loud? 'Said? You were shouting.' He said that as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips and using another to wipe his hair. She was slightly distracted by his wet abs, 8 pack dammit, and pecs, with water travelling down his body and- No! She got herself in hand by glaring at him.

'I want it now!'she demanded. She had already showered and was waiting on his bed to further her argument. 'You promised.' He ignored her and went into his walk in closet to get dressed. 'Cameron!'

'You know, the more tired you are, the more juvenile you get,'he observed, coming out in a black boxer and nothing else. She blushed slightly at the perfect image of imperfection in front of her but didn't forget her reason for being there.

'I don't care. I want my ice cream.' She herself felt how juvenile she was but was too tired to care. She was not going to bed without her ice cream.

Why won't he give him her ice cream? That was all she was asking for. It's not like she was asking for much. And she's had to suppress her insecurities and shyness to even stand on front of the camera. Didn't he appreciate it? She'd done all that only for him. Tears started welling in her eyes.

'Are-are you crying?'he asked, panicking.

'No!'she spat, although the watery quaver in her voice did not help convince him. What was wrong with her? She's not a crier or even aspire to be one. It must be the fatigue and maybe? She mentally counted the date. Yes, it was nearing that bloody time. Hormones had come into the picture too.

'Alright. Alright,'he sighed. She blinked up at him, trying to hold back her tears. 'I'll make you a big bowl of ice cream.'

'With all the toppings?'she asked softly. She didn't like manipulating him like this but maybe once in a while, it's alright. He nodded exasperately and her tears cleared up. Maybe once in a while, she promised herself.

  - -----------@@@@@@@-----------

The sound of his phone ringing woke him up. Reaching for it on his side desk, he was surprised to encounter a warm, soft flesh. His eyes shot open and he found himself looking down on Sharon snuggling herself against him, her arm slung over his waist. What-

Then he remembered the previous night. Or was it early morning? After caving in and making her the much requested ice cream, she'd crashed 15 minutes after. He didn't know what happened. He'd just went to grab his phone and when he'd returned,her head was resting on her arm and  she was snoring right beside her bowl. Her tiredness must have caught up with her.

She'd looked soo adorable with her hair knotted at the top of her head, her baggy shirt and knee length short. He vaguely recognised her shirt. He knew it was his. She must've had purloined it after doing their laundry. Her face was relaxed and serene. He couldn't resist taking a picture before he cleared the table, placing the ice cream in the freezer because he knew she'd be asking for it when she woke up, and carried her to her bedroom. She stirred slightly but only to loop her arms around his neck and mumble into his shoulder.

When it came time to deposit her into her bed, she wouldn't let go. She'd clung even tighter but her eyes were still closed. He'd tried to pry her hands loose but she'd started to frown faintly before she pulled him into bed with her. He'd crashed beside her after being caught off guard and she'd started to make herself comfortable beside him before he could even process what happened.

He'd attempted to get up but she was surprisingly strong and pulled him back to her. He'd given up after a while and accepted his fate. Although his fate was soft and warm and utterly desirable. He'd made himself comfortable, pulling her tighter against him, enjoying her soft curves against his hard ones, one especially hard part, and drifted off.

It was one of the most comfortable night's rest he'd ever had. He'd even consciously put off his morning run till the next day and if his phone hadn't rung, he'd still be enjoying the rest.

His phone rang again and he knew he had to get it. He stretched his arm to her side table, knowing he left it there when he'd tried to deposit her. His eyes didn't leave Sharon's peaceful face, her hair put of her bun and curling wildly around her head. Her head on his shoulder, her breasts squished against his side. He wanted to wake up to this everyday.

'Hello?'he absently said into his phone.

'Cameron Daniel Ballad!'

AN Hey guys. hope you enjoy this chapter. tell me what you think :)

Accidental Roommate (Being Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora