Chapter 27

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AN This chap is quite heated. read with care.

Sharon and Cameron rejoined Jennifer and Andrew. The air about them were lighter, less tense. She felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulder.

To be honest, she didn't like fighting. She was not into confrontation. All her life, she had been a doormat and allowed everyone and anyone to walk over her. In fact, the first time she'd ever confronted anyone was her previous boyfriend. It was only with Cameron that she allowed her feelings to be known. Even from the start. Or maybe it started when he began to limit her ice cream intake. If someone was monstrous enough to do that, well, they don't need consideration at all.

Cameron didn't and had never disregard her feelings. He didn't try to talk over her. He always listened intently and discussed any issue with her. Even if their discussion took hours. As evidenced from their grocery trips. Their trips got soo bad that every time the staff saw them enter, they'll immediately attach someone to them. It was embarrassing. The first time it had happened, she had argued lesser but Cameron had then say things that'd riled her and they'd had a shouting match in the middle of the store. Others left their immediate vicinity. She hadn't taken notice until abut 15 minutes into their argument. Stopping, she had looked about, bewildered.  And then, Cameron said the sweetest and most profound words to her.

'Sharon, don't let fear restrict you. You are your own person, your own mind. They matter. Don't let anyone say otherwise.'

They'd resumed their shopping but she'd never forget those words.

'Sharon.' Jennifer's voice brought her out of her reverie. She looked into eyes that were soo much like Cameron's and smiled.

'Sorry. I was spacing,' she apologised. 'There's just too much on my mind.'

'I know how you feel. These Ballard men are quite a handful. Especially for those not used to such attention. Let me tell you, Andrew and I had a rocky courtship. He was always pulling me to him even as I tried to put some distance between us. He was and is soo handsome that I'd thought he was only with me because he was bored and was dared to do so. He disabused me of that notion. But it took him awhile.'

Sharon know what she meant. It was disconcerting to have someone focus their entire attention on you. She who everyone had looked over and ignored. It was both overwhelming and healing. She looked over to Cameron, who was talking with some fans, smiling and laughing. But once he felt her gaze on him, he looked over to her and his face softened and his eyes twinkled.

Suddenly her view of him was blocked by red sequins and sapphire blue chiffon. Puzzled she looked up into 2 gorgeous faces but equally malicious eyes. The women looked her over scathingly even as she studied them nervously. Obviously they hadn't come to chat about the weather. One of the women was blonde and tall, taller than her. Her height was further augmented by the sky high heels. Her body was barely covered with a red sequined, flapper dress but it was a phenomenal body just the same. The other was a redhead but hers was more of a fire truck red, not the soft, wine aged red of Jennifer's. Frankly it was off putting. And it clashed horribly with the beautiful long chiffon dress. But her petite frame and beautiful, ethereal face brought an innocent edginess. Suddenly she felt extremely frumpy and dumpy, even though she'd thought she'd gotten over it. She was always surrounded by thin, beautiful women at work.

She recognised the blond as one of Cameron's previous girlfriend from a few months ago. She was an upcoming actress, having debuted in a successful drama and then in a couple of blockbuster movies that had sealed her spot as one of Hollywood's elite. The redhead must be her friend.

'So this is Cameron's new conquest,'one of them sneered. The redhead. She shrank back, bowing her head slightly to hide her apprehension. The way it was said was filled with condescension and disgust. She couldn't help but think why Cameron had picked her of all people.

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