Chapter Thirteen: Love Always Finds A Way

Start from the beginning

            "I am here to see Siromos," Nysa announced calmly. In her mind she pretended she was back with Alexios, practicing her lines.

            "He's not here."

            Nysa regarded him coolly and tossed him a few drachmae just as she had been told. The man caught them with ease, as though he were expecting this to happen. Which, in all reality, he probably was. He examined the coin before grunting satisfactorily.

He motioned her forward toward an opening in the wall. It was small. So small that she didn't even recognize that it was there at first. Taking one last glance over her shoulder she followed him down.

The hole in the wall opened up to a much bigger room cut into the natural stone of the area. This was more like what Nysa had been expecting. Unfortunately, it also meant that it had tons of soldiers to guard it. She glanced around the rooms as they advanced deeper and down into the cave. There were far too many to fight, and there were no other openings that she saw to use for her escape. There would be little to no room for error.

The man led her to another smaller room in the back. He announced her to the boss before leaving her to walk in herself. Nysa glanced quickly around the room, taking in her surroundings. It appeared to be Siromos' private chambers. A desk sat in the middle of the room and sitting at the desk, she assumed, was the man himself.

"Come in," he purred, motioning to a wooden chair on the other side of the desk, closest to her. Hesitantly, she sat down. She held her head high and she watched him evenly, but she also allowed her hands to shake faintly as she twisted them in her lap.

"You are Siromos?" she asked.

The man's face split into a wide, gnarled, grin, "The one and only. Did you need somethingt?"

Slowly Nysa nodded, "I hear you are the man to go to if you need something found."

"I am indeed. Just what are you looking to find?" he leaned forward in his chair. He was so close that Nysa could smell him. She willed her face to remain placid as she retched on the inside.

"A treasured heirloom was stolen. It's a round disk with inscriptions on it," Nysa sighed, in an attempt to hold back fake tears, "I didn't believe it held much value besides sentimental, and I was told you might know where I can find it."

"Someone told you this, did they?"  Siromos said thoughtfully rubbed his chin. Nysa nodded. "Tell me, what did this object look like again?" he grinned at her. Nysa described the artifact to the best of her memory. Siromos' face lit up with recognition.

"It's seems as though you may be in luck, I have come across this item you're looking for."

"You have?" A smile found its way to her lips despite the tense situation. Siromos grinned and nodded his head. "Where? When?" she asked, leaning forward onto his desk.

"Ah, ah," he berated her, his hand trailed the desk until they found hers, "We haven't discussed the matter of payment."

She slipped her hands away to grab the bag filled with the fake drachmae that Alexios had given her earlier. Nysa threw it onto his desk unceremoniously. Siromos opened the bag and gazed upon its contents lovingly.

"I believe that should cover it."

"That's a good start," he sighed, pushing the bag underneath his desk.

Nysa blanched. Alexios assured her that the coin was enough to gather his cooperation. She recovered, retaining her placid demeanor. "What more could you want?" she asked evenly.

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