Chapter Seventeen: Dreams Do Come True

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The Adrestia began starting out a lazy path toward Phokis. However long it was from Messara to Athens, Alexios informed her, it would be nearly double the time to Phokis. Not that Nysa particularly minded. She had grown accustomed to the rolling of the waves. It was as close to her dream as she could get at the moment, sailing the ocean to new islands for daring adventures.

            "I never got the chance to ask but are you alright?" he asked her as soon as he had finished talking to his sister. Nysa nodded.

            "I could ask you the same thing. After all those guards were giving you a run for your drachmae," she teased.

            "Well before you even got there, I had taken care of most of them."

            Nysa glared at him while attempting to hide the smile on her face. However, the sight him smiling down at her made it impossible to hide. She sighed and nudged him playfully but sharply with her elbow.

            "Alright, Alright, maybe I do owe some thanks to you," he suggested, "But just a little."

            Nysa laughed, "I suppose I'll have to take what I can get."

            "It was impressive, you charging in like that."

            "I thought I should use what I've learned from you."


            "Though I wasn't able to retrieve the staff," she sighed. Her hands gripped the side of the ship so hard her knuckles turned white.

            "Don't worry about the staff," Alexios assured her, placing his hand on top of both of hers.

            "What is it exactly?" Nysa breathed looking up at him, "It-The Cultist used it to knock me down, so he could get away without touching me."

            "For as all as I know?" Alexios sighed, "Magic from the Gods."

            "I was hoping for something more conclusive," Nysa chuckled.

            "I've only seen one staff before."

            "But there are others like it?"

            "Kassandra has found an orb or two and the Cult had a pyramid."

            "An orb? What did that do?"

            "Kassandra said they did all sorts of things, like imbuing normal people with immense power. She told me one had turned a normal human into medusa," he looked at her earnestly. Nysa chuckled without feeling.

            "Before today I might've accused you of lying," she shook her head in disbelief.

            "And now?"

            "I wonder what potential that staff could have and how dangerous it is for the Cult to have."

            "We'll stop them before we can find out," he assured her.

            "We will," she agreed. Though she wasn't sure if she completely believed herself.

            By the next day, they were still at sea. And while Nysa did love the ocean and the Adrestia's crew, she was more than ready to make it to Phokis. After the conversation with Alexios she was anxious to get the staff before the Cult could do whatever it was that they wanted it for.

            To pass the time, they played games with the crew and sang shanties. Nysa was quickly learning just how boring life at sea could get. She could only dance to the same tune so many times a day. And Alexios was busy discussing their strategy with his sister, leaving Nysa all by herself. Evadne walked up beside her, after finishing dancing to another song with Rhesus.

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