"Ahem," I heard someone feigning a cough. I looked over my shoulder and there I saw Maxene holding two cups of coffee. She handed it to Earl as she squatted between us. Silence fell between the three of us; all I heard was the sound of Maxene sipping her coffee.


        After ephemeral minutes, Earl broke the lingering silence and stood up. "I’m gonna go."

        Maxene nodded permissively.

        Now it was just the two of us. When Earl was out of earshot, Maxene suddenly exclaimed, "You liiiiiiiiiike him!"

        It was as if my eyes fell out of its sockets. I stared at her in disbelief. "What? Tch, stop jumping into conclusions!" I bellowed defensively.

        "Extreme denial is one of the signs that a person is lying."

        "I. DO. NOT. LIKE. EARL!" I emphasized every word loudly, hoping that she’d buy it.

        "Whatever you say." I could tell that she wasn’t convinced.


        Three months of friendship with Maxene and Earl made my high school life thrilling. And I couldn’t help but develop a crush on Earl, it wasn’t difficult to like him. He wasn’t really cold once you get to know him more; he was simply misunderstood by people because of his laconic words and his lack of social skills.

        And as expected, he was popular with the female population, typical high school girls sure likes "bad boys"


        On P.E, we had to do a 40-meter-sprint. I wasn’t allowed, but I insisted, I wanted to try running once.

        In the middle of the race, I suddenly felt a pang of difficulty in breathing. I clutched my chest tightly.

        I felt weak-kneed, my steps began to falter, and I fell down. Thankfully, Maxene passed by and noticed my labored breathing, she crouched down beside me "H-hey, are you okay?"

        I shook my head, gasping for air.

        "H-Hey, why are you so blue? Should I call for medics?"

        I nodded. She called the teacher and the crowd gathered to carry me towards the infirmary. Thankfully, they gave me some sort of medicine in order to regain my normal breathing pattern.

        "Do you have some sort of heart disease, Miss Clarkson?"

        I didn’t want anyone in this school to know, but I guess the school nurse was someone whom I could be trusted "Yes," I nodded, "Please don’t tell anyone about this!" I pleaded.

        "Alright," she heaved out a sigh, "But, you have to promise me to never join activities like this. Just claim that you have some sort of asthma, got it?"

        I nodded in confirmation.

        "Please take some rest." She gestured for me to take a nap and I obliged.

        As soon as I woke up, the first person I saw was Maxene. Her blue eyes glinting as she looked at me solemnly. That was the first time I’ve ever seen that look on her face. "Tell me," she started.

        I couldn’t quite fathom what she was implying. "What?"

        "About why you were having difficulty in breathing."

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