Chapter one.

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If in the past 6 years, I have learnt anything, it is that we humans always think that we want to know something, we always want to be told, never do we want for people to push us away and keep us on the outside when we knock on their doors yet, the funniest is thing about us wanting to be let in and wanting to see what is inside the doors is that when someone finally lets us in and they bring the shadows that they have been hiding from us into the light, we want to run, we are no longer as committed as we had been when everything had been a mystery, it is like when we don't know we care more we are concerned, but that is all just an appearance-it is just a mask that we put on that makes us appear to be trustworthy-in fact it is a mask that we put on to make people believe that we are worthy of being let into their broken buildings and their shattered corridors.

Think about it really, how many times have you wanted someone to tell you a secret, have you insisted that they tell you even when they didn't want to tell you, and yet when they do, when the truth is finally out in the open, when that truth is not suitable for your expectations you want to move back, you want to leave.....

I have seen it happen, I have felt it happen, I have let it happen and I have been the cause of why it happened far too many times to not know that humans just can't take the truth, it is too bitter to swallow for them because their minds and hearts have been filled up with so many lies that they have learnt to live with lies, to be more accepting of a lie than to be accepting of the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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