As if on cue, the front door of our house opened and my crazy friends entered my house. And the one who entered first is Bambam, followed by Chanyeol, Seulgi, Jungkook, Jeongyeon, and Kai.

"Happy Birthday!" Bambam shouted when he got near us. "Happy eighteenth birthday, my man." He joked and gave a big birthday gift box to my daughter. "Here, Ella. My gift for you, liitle girl."

I gave Bambam an arched look. "Really, Bambam? I'm the birthday celebrant here. Not my daughter."

"So?" he snapped. "I prefer to give Ella a give than you."

I just shook my head and turn to look at my other friends who are now busy eating their foods.

I cleared my throat. "You guys already started eating without even greeting me a happy birthday. Okay, fine. I'm ashamed of all of you." I said my words full of sarcasm. "Go ahead. I hope that all of you will choke."

It was Chanyeol who spoke. "What do you want, bud, a very long birthday message for you? You should've told me so that I have made a very touching long birthday message for you."

"Yeah." Jungkook agreed. "And we do this every year. It's tiring to greet you a happy birthday every year. And you don't need our gifts. You are rich. Go buy yourself a gift."

I look around and hugged my wife. "Sweetheart, what is your gift for me except for your sweet I love you?"

Jennie smiled. "I love you, Lisa. And I won't get tired of loving you. It's enough gift from me to you."

I waited for a second and then I heard my friends groan in disgust. There it is! That always made my day.

"Urgh!" Bambam faced me from playing with my daughter. "Can you please tone your cheesiness down? Geez! It's fucking gross!"

I rolled my eyes. "Go and marry someone." I said and kiss my wife at her cheek so that they will be more jealous. "Look at me. I'm happy. Go and find yourself a wife, guys. You guys are getting older."

Chanyeol growled. "Bud, I'm only thirty-two."

"Me too." Jungkook said.

"Me three." Seulgi said who is busy eating her foods.

Kai raised his hand holding a soda. "I'm thirty-one." He said then grinned.

"And I'm gorgeous." Jeongyeon said while walking towards the sink to wash her hands.

"Guys, you are not getting any younger." I said and patted the back of Bambam. "You, bud, when are you planning to find your wife?"

Bambam grinned wickedly. "It's near. I'm going to kidnap my bride, then I'm off to church."

I just shook my head. When did Bambam take the talk of finding a wife seriously? It's been eight years since me and Jennie got married at a young age. I was just twenty-three back then and Jennie was twenty-one when we meet and got married. Even though I married her at a very young age, I didn't regret it. Jennie gave me the most amazing eight years of my life and counting.

Until now, all of my friends still doesn't have their own wives. They are all still single. All of my friends are now at their early thirties, they are still single and they still haven't started to find their match.

But I knew that someday... someday, they will fall in love. And it will be my time to laugh at their misery.

I came out from my reverie when I heard my daughter shout in glee.

"Red!" My daughter shouted when Sehun and Yoona together with their son, Red, entered my household.

Red ran towards Ella and both of them fist pumped. I laughed cause they are acting like they're old already. Even Sehun laughed at our children.

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