Chapter 19

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Jennie's POV

I wanted to bolt. I wanted to open the passenger seat and jump. I don't care if the speed of the car reaches one hundred kilometers per hour. But when I tried to open the door of the passenger seat, it is locked.

"Don't waste your energy. I locked it." Lisa patted the steering wheel. "This is why I love Bambam's Bugatti." 

I was queit and I was surprised at what she just said. I don't have a choice. I just crossed my arms and stare outside the window.

I didn't say a word. I don't care anymore I'll just lock my jaw.

"You won't talk to me?" She asked. "It's a long drive to Seoul, Jennie."

Okay. I cancelled my plan. I will talk to her. Maybe it's time for us to have clarification and closure.

I arch my brow and look at Lisa. "What do you want us to talk about? If the thing you want to talk about is between us, okay, fire away. Go and ask some questions while I am still in the mood to answer and entertain you." 

I heard her sigh, after that she stopped the car at the side of the road and then she turned to face me. 

"Tzuyu is no longer my girlfriend." She started while she is looking at me straight in the eyes. "I broke up with her before I cam home to Busan. When I went to Paris, I broke up with her. I didn't tell you cause I want you to get jealous."

"If both of you are already over, why did she kiss you when we arrived from Gyeonggi?" Jealousy is reining my thoughts.

"She wants me back." She looked down like she is ashamed. "I didn't know that she wants me back, until today."

"Both of you are always together--"

"That's because I'm trying to make you jealous." She laughed bitterly. "It seems like it didn't work. This morning I decided that I had enough waiting for you to get jealous. And then Tzuyu told me that she wants me back, and I said no. I don't want to go back to her." She looked deep into my eyes. "I want to be with you."

I just stared at her eyes and I was waiting for her to say those three words that would make me happy. I can forget all the pain that I experienced because of her, she just needs to say that she loves me.

But she didn't. She just stared at me like she is reading my very soul.

I avoided her stares. "Drive. We need to arrive early in Seoul."

While I was looking outside the window, I can feel that Lisa is still staring at me.

"Jennie, don't you believe me--"

"I believe you. Now, drive." I said in a cold voice.

I heard that she heave a deep sigh and made the car move. She stayed silent until we arrive in Seoul. She keeps on heaving deep sighs and I just pretended that I didn't hear them. Every time she would call my name, I would pretend that I didn't hear her.

All I needed is those three words and eight letters. That's all, no other. All I need is to hear her say she loves me and everything will be alright. But she never did. I waited until we arrived in Seoul but she never told me that she loves me.

When we arrive at the office of Qantas Airways, I immediately went out of the car without saying good bye to Lisa.

As I was walking towards the Qantas Airways entrance, I heart Lisa called my name.


I turn to look at her and I peaked, I look at her with my cold eyes. "Don't wait for me. Just go now. I can take care of myself." After I said those words, I turn my back to her and walk inside the office of Qantas Airways.

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