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Lisa's POV

"Blow the candles, Daddy!" My daughter gleefully said while bouncing up and down. It seems like she is the one who is the birthday celebrant because she is so happy and more excited than me. "Daddy! Blow the candles already." She is frowning while saying those words. "I want to eat cake. I'm hungry and Granny Mira said that if I'm hungry, I should eat because the soldiers in my tummy will hurt my stomach."

"And you believed your Granny Mira?" I shook my head while saying those words.

She crossed his arms. "I have soldiers to feed, Daddy. So blow the candles already."

With a smile on my face, I leaned in, make a wish and then blow the candles. 

"Yehey! Let's eat already." Ella who already has a plate in her arms said.

I was laughing while putting a slice of cake on her plate and kissed my daughter's forehead. "I love you, baby."

My daughter grimaced. "Daddy! Don't kiss me. I'm a woman now."

The firmness of my daughter's voice made me laughed. "Baby, you're just seven years old."

She crossed her arms again and then started to eat the slice of cake that I placed on her plate.

I messed her hair up and hugged my wife who is busy placing the plates on the table.

It's just a simple birthday celebration. Only my family is present. I want this celebration cause I could fell the love that my family is giving me.Speaking of family, my parents are not present for a reason that they are now in Amsterdam having a second honeymoon. Ewww. While Jennie's mom is in New Zealand right now and she haven't come home cause she is busy with her newly opened flower shop.

"Happy thrity-first Birthday, sweetheart." Jennie kissed me on the lips and as always, my heart did a summersault.

It has been eight years since we got married but she still gets my heart to beat loud and fast for her.

Jennie really is the love of my life.

I am now thirty-one years old. I am happily married to the most lovable woman in the universe with adorable daughter named Ella and now we are expecting our second child. There is no other thing that could take my happiness whenever I spend my time with my beautiful wife and daughter.

I looked at the woman whose eyes still magnified me. Her cat like eyes never seized to make my heart thump inside my chest.

"Thank you." I said lovingly to my wife. "Thank you for loving me and marrying me. Thank you for being my wife and  for putting up with me for eight years now."

She laugh slowly and kissed my lips. "Lisa, just like what i promise in the altar. I'll be with you for as long as I breathe."

That made my heart melt. "I think I just blushed."

She was laughing while she slapped my shoulder. "You are doing that to me every single day. It's only fair."

I grinned then pressed my lips on hers. My hand was wandering on my wife's thigh when Jennie slapped my hand. She threw a glare at me and look at our daughter who is busy eating her cake.

"Lisa, don't be a pervert. We are in front of our daughter." She said and pinched my ear which made me frown at her.

"But it's my birthday!" I complained.

"You'll have your birthday-sex-present later." She said referring to one of my birthday present that I received every year. "Let's take care of our visitors for now."

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