Chapter 20

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Jennie's POV

When I woke up the next day, Lisa is already not beside me. I thought that she's just in her room, but until it was already night time, I still haven't seen her.

That's why I went to Aunt Mira who is busy preparing for our dinner. "Auntie?"

She turn to look at me with a smile on her face. "Yes, darling?"

"Ahm," I am hesitated if I should ask her but I really need to know where Lisa is. We need to talk. "W-Where is Lisa?"

Aunt Mira's eyes lit up like a newly installed Christmas lights. "Oh, Lisa? She just accompanied Tzuyu to Seoul. They left at dawn." 

A lightning of pain struck my heart, burning it and turning it into ashes. She is with Tzuyu again? But Lisa said they are already over since she went to Paris? Did she lie to me?

I look down to hide my eyes that are starting to water. "Is that it? Okay Auntie. Thank you." I turn my back to Aunt Mira and started to walk towards my room.

When I arrive at my room, I immediately pack my stuffs. From my gadgets to my clothes. After an hour, I am done packing my things.

While I was seating at the edge of my bed, I remembered what Lisa and I shared last night. I can still remember it like it only happened a minute ago. I can still remember how she touched me and how she pleasure in more ways than I can imagine.

Instead of being a depressed girl in my room, I decided to go to the garden. But when I got out of my room, I stopped from walking when I saw that Lisa's door was slightly open.

I'd never been in her room so I got curious.

I pushed the door open and went inside her room. I can't stop myself from lying down in her bed. God! It smells like Lisa. I hope that she will come home now. Tomorrow, we will leave already and there's a possibility that I won't see her again. Even though she doesn't love me, I want to tell her what I feel for her before I leave.

I hope that she'll come home. I hoped.

I lay at my side and smelled that pillow that Lisa is using. It smells like her. God. I'll miss her when I get home. Will I be able to see her again? That's the question that keeps on repeating in my heart and mind.

I closed my eyes.

I didn't know that I fell asleep, If my mom didn't wake me up I would not know that I fell asleep.

"Mom?" I rubbed my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

My mother smiled. "Let's eat our breakfast."

I stare at her with wide eyes. "What? We will still our dinner--"

Mom started to shake her head. "You sleep through the night, sweetie. We didn't bother to wake you up cause you were sleeping soundly while you are hugging Lisa's pillow." 

I avoided my mom's stare when she mention the name of Lisa who makes my heart and mind go crazy.

I sat up and get out of the bed. "I'm just going to fix myself. We need to be at the airport before lunch." I said and comb my hair using my fingers. "Our flight is scheduled at one P.M--"

"Sweetie, we could stay if you want." My mom cut off my rambling.

I smiled bitterly at her. "We have to go, mom. We need to take care of dad's insurance." I said those words and I went out of Lisa's room and I went inside my room then I started to fix myself.

Lisa's POV

Twelve noon. I was restless while I was looking at the entrance of the airport. I keep on pacing back and forth. Shit! Jennie is still not here. Where are they?

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