Chapter 16 | "Angel of Death's return"

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 Note: I apologize that this chapter is kinda short. I was too lazy to add more on to it 😂

Setting: Lucifer's Penthouse

The next day

Amenadiel walked in from the elevator to see Lucifer standing in the balcony with a drink in his hand. 

"How's Chloe?" The angel asked his brother.

"She's fine." Lucifer answered, taking a sip from his glass.

"She's better?"

Lucifer nodded.

"Well I guess that's good... it's nice to see you... you know, less distressed."

The Devil rolled his eyes and set the glass down on the piano. "I suppose." 

"So Luci, I came to ask you something."

"Well, ask it then." Lucifer snarled.

"Where is Azrael?"

Lucifer stayed silent for a moment, then looked at Amenadiel in confusion. "I don't know, where is she? Back in Heaven, perhaps?"

"That's a possibility." The angel folded his arms and glanced around the room. "I just thought you'd have an idea."

"Me? You thought I'd have a clue where the Angel of Death is!" Lucifer laughed at his brother hysterically. "Preposterous!"

"We have to find her." 

"Do we now? Right. What's your suggestion then, brother?"

Amenadiel shrugged. "Dont have one."

"Right, well while you're figuring that out, I'm off to see the detective." He disappeared into the elevator.

Setting: hospital

Lucifer walked into the room. "Hello detective."

Chloe looked at him. "Hi."

Lucifer walked over to her. "How are you feeling?"



And they talked for a while 

A few hours later

Setting: Lucifer's Penthouse

Lucifer poured himself a drink just when he heard a flutter of wings.

"Hey, Lucifer."

Lucifer turned around to see The Angel of Death standing there. Her dark gray wings were spread  and she was breathing heavily.

"Sister?" Lucifer took a sip from his glass, then set it down on the table. "Well, isn't it the Angel of Death's return."

"Dang it was long fly here." Azrael folded her wings. "Why out of all the cities did you have to choose L.A.?"

"Where on earth have you been this entire time?" 

"Working. I'm the angel of death, my job is busy, okay?"

"Right. Just don't bring Cain back." The Devil snarled.

"Cain is dead again?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Yes, he's bloody dead! And down in Hell where he should be! So please don't bring him back like you did before. I still can't believe you did that."

"Hey! I didn't know you hated him that much, and besides, he was in Heaven! What was I supposed to think? 'Oh this guy in Heaven is evil'?"

"He's the world's first murderer for crying out loud! He killed his own brother! And...and so did I..." The Devil looked down.

"What do you mean?"

"I killed Uriel."

"What? Why can't he fly back to earth?"

"I killed him with your blade, he's gone forever. No Heaven, no Hell, nothing."


"2 years ago."


"It—it doesn't matter." Lucifer looked down.

"Why not?"


Azrael sighed. "Why do you keep everything from me, Luce?"

"Because you don't understand me, sister. And.... you never will understand me..."

"I can't understand if you don't explain!"

Lucifer sighed. "I killed Uriel to protect the detective."

"So now you're on about this detective again? You're The Devil! You shouldn't have a soft spot for anyone or anything."

Lucifer's eyes flashed red at his sister. "Says who?"

Azrael seemed to realized she screwed up and gave her brother the 'please don't hurt me' look.

"Like I said, you don't understand me." The Devil snarled.

"I just don't get how it's possible for you to..."

Lucifer glared at her.

"Fall in love..."

"The detective was put in my path. She's.. she's all dad's doing. But—but it's still real."

"No! It's not real! Dad is using Chloe to manipulate you! He's forcing you to be with her!"

Lucifer's eyes turned red as he continued to glare at his sister. "You're a liar."

Azrael backed up slightly. "How so?" She then noticed a flame within her brother's eyes.

"To make it clear, dad has no control over me, nor the detective." The Devil's eyes faded back to brown, as he proceeded to walk away.

"Wait! Lucifer I'm sorry!"

"No, you're not." The fallen angel vanished into the elevator.

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