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Rachel groaned as she woke up to knocking at the door. She walked to the door and frowned as she saw two police officers and her youngest daughter kenzie. She looked to kenzie and sighed "what have you done now" "nothing" kenzie slurred. She was drunk "she was caught having sex on a public park, we have given her a caution" a police officer said as kenzie looked to the office and smirked. He was young and she thought he was hot "maybe you and I could go up to my room" she teased as Rachel glared as she grabbed kenzies arm and pulled her inside "it won't happen again" Rachel said as she closed the door as kenzie walked into the living room and lay on the sofa and kicked her heels off "what the hell are you playing at?" Rachel asked as kenzie rolled her eyes "do you ever stop nagging" kenzie asked.

"Your acting like a little slut you know that" Rachel said as kenzie sat up and looked to her and glared "that's a bit rich coming from the two bit hooker, what was it you offered fifty pence for a hand job, a pound to go all the way" kenzie spat as Rachel looked to her and slapped her as Alyssa walked in and frowned "what the hell is going on here" she asked as kenzie held her stinging cheek and glared to Rachel "she's a cow and thinks she can play mum of the year, she never cared. She never noticed a think about anything" kenzie spat as Rachel frowned "what does that mean" Rachel asked as kenzie and Alyssa held a look "nothing, it's not like you would even care. You never did, you were never there and you never cared" kenzie spat as she walked off.


Later, Alyssa walked into kenzies room and looked to her and smiled "we need to talk" she said as kenzie looked to her and smiled "I know, I'm sorry. I messed up" kenzie said as Alyssa sat on the bed next to her and smiled "you did, what I did was for you and if I had to. I would do it again and you know it but you need to keep it together as if you don't we could go to jail and I could loose Esmè to max, it isn't just about us" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and nodded. She knew Alyssa was right.

Later that morning, kenzie got to school and saw tom as he walked over to her. He saw a hand in her and he was worried. Tom wanted to be there to support her, he knew he was dating Alyssa but he was worried over kenzie there was something he couldn't quite but his finger on "you know if there was something, that you could always tell me" he said as she looked to him and smiled "it's nothing, I can't say" kenzie said as he looked to her and frowned. Kenzie knee she wanted to tell him the truth but she couldn't.


Later that day, Rachel stood in the house. Alyssa walked into the room. It was the early hours of the morning and kenzie was out again. Rachel looked to Alyssa as she stood on the phone "what are you doing" Alyssa asked as Rachel rolled her eyes "calling the police, I'm committing your sister. She's unstable and something is wrong with her and I will find out, she's out of control" rachel said as Alyssa looked to her and frowned knowing if kenzie was committed that she may ending up snapping and that they could loose everything

Mummy's wild child (Waterloo road)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang