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Rachel had wanted to know what Max meant. She was a failure as a mother? Rachel knew that Max had always had it in for her. She just didn't know why.

Rachel arrived at school. She saw her two girls and sighed. She saw how Kenzie was playing with Esmè.

Rachel walked over. "Hey. How are you?" She asked.

Kenzie ignored her mum and turned to Alyssa. "Can I take her to the crèche?"

"Sure babes. Go on."

Rachel watched as Kenzie walked off. She sighed. "She hates me doesn't she?" She asked Alyssa.

Alyssa shrugged. "She doesn't hate you. She's just not a fan of how you treat her. And I agree. You treat her like crap. She is the innocent one."

"She won't let me talk to her. She walks away. Or she ignores me," Rachel said as she walked off.

Kenzie sat in the common room. She looked up as Tom walked in. "Oh. Hi."

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Kenzie nodded and smiled. "I'm okay thanks. Just doing my homework for Maths. Sadly jt sucks. But what can I do?"

Tom laughed. "It will be okay. You'll get it done soon enough."

"I don't really want to do it. That's the issue I'm having," Kenzie said as she looked at him. She smiled. "How are you?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Having to teach pupils who don't want to learn? Rather annoying," he joked.

Kenzie smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm pretty awesome if I do say so myself," she said as she stood up and walked off.

Tom sat there watching her. He knew she was special to him. He knew he had crossed the like with her. But he couldn't help it. He wanted her. And he wanted to make her life better.

Kenzie walked past Rachel. Rachel grabbed her arm and smiled. "I miss you love. I really do."

"I'm not coming back home. I'm happier with Alyssa. And I help out with Esmè. So I'm not going to come back," Kenzie said as she looked to her.

Rachel sighed. "Please love. The house is quiet without you."

"No. I'm staying with Alyssa. Please respect my decision. But maybe we could do something this weekend? Me and you?"

Rachel nodded and smiled. "I'd like that love. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I should go. I'm late for maths. And I've spent all morning doing my homework," Kenzie said as she walked off.

During maths, Kenzie found her concentration wondering. All she thought about was Tom. And how much she wanted him.

Kenzie knew that it was wrong. That he was her teacher. And she just couldn't help but think about the what if. The what if she threw caution to the wind.

Kenzie smiled as Eddie took her homework. "I'm impressed. This is the only piece that's not covered in questionable substances."

"Well I did it in the common room this morning. That's why."

Eddie rolled his eyes and walked off. Kenzie saw her mum walking past and sighed. She just didn't know what to do about everything that had happened.

Kenzie didn't know how she could open up to Rachel about everything that had happened. But she had no idea how secrets were about to be revealed.

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