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Kenzie knew how she was trying to make her life be a lot less complicated. She knew it was a huge complicated mess at the moment. And she had no idea how she was coping with it.

She knew how her head was a mess. She also knew how things with her and Rachel just weren't working out at all.

She felt like she couldn't be close with her mum as she was keeping a huge secret from her. She knew how messy it was.

Kenzie knew how she was getting closer to Tom. Especially with how he had been helping her with her school work.

She knew it was wrong. And how she had already been there with him. But she couldn't help it. She wanted him. He made her feel special and like she mattered.

All she knew was that things were just getting more and more messy for her. And she had no idea how much more she could cope with.

When she woke that morning, she walked into the kitchen. Esmè was sitting eating her coco pops. Alyssa smiled. "Hey. Here you go. Coco pops for you," she said.

Kenzie smiled slightly. She knew how she preferred being with her sister. She treated her like she was human.

Kenzie looked to her. "If things work with mum, can I still stay here? I don't wanna have to go back there," she said.

"You're always welcome here. I promise you," Alyssa told her. She smiled. "Besides, Esmè loves having you around. You're her favourite lady apparently."

Esmè nodded. "I loves mine Kenzie."

"N'aww. I love you too cuddle bug. Don't worry,
I won't leave you."


Kenzie smiled. She knew how her head was a mess. But she was thankful she had some family who cared about her.

Kenzie went into school that morning and sighed. She saw her mum standing with Tom. Rachel walked over. "Listen love. I don't need you acting up today," she told her.

"Don't wind me up then mother. And we won't have any issues," Kenzie said with a shrug. She smiled. "Morning Mr Clarkson."

"Morning Kenzie. You okay?" Tom asked as he smiled to her.

Kenzie nodded. She looked to him and smiled. "Yeah. I'll see you later sir," she said as she walked off inside.

Rachel frowned. She looked between Tom and Kenzie. She felt like there was something going on.

She was going to find out just what it was too. No matter what it took.

Kenzie was sitting in the common room. Rachel walked in and looked to her. "I want to know. What is going on with you and Mr Clarkson?"

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Oh god sake. Do you really think that there's something going on? He's my teacher for Christ sake. I wouldn't do that."

Rachel sighed. "Well forgive me if I don't know who you are anymore."

"I'm not that messed up I'd have an affair with my teacher! What the hell?" She spat.

Rachel said nothing as she watched Kenzie walk off. She knew that there was something going on with her daughter. She was determined to find out what it was. No matter what it cost.

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