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Kenzie was lying in bed. The door opened and Esmè ran in. She giggled. "Hi!"

"Hello cutie. What you doing here?"

Esmè giggled and looked at her. "Daddy bings me here. Me say I wants play with you," she told her as she climbed onto the bed.

Kenzie nodded and sat up. She pulled the little girl into her bed and smiled. She looked at her. "Where's mummy?"

"I don't knows. I stayed with daddy last night and then he tells me that mummy pick me up from here," Esmè said.


Rachel walked into the bedroom and saw her daughter and granddaughter playing together. Esmè giggled. "Nanny!"

"Hello love."

Kenzie hadn't really talked to her mum since she had gone mad over Kenzie being in the cooler again. Kenzie knew deep down she had to make it up to her mum. But she didn't want. She didn't do anything wrong.

Rachel looked at her. "Are you okay my love?" She asked.

Kenzie just nodded. She was hurt over Rachel who was always starting on her. She didn't know what she had done for Rachel to be so harsh with her.

Rachel sighed and left the bedroom. Esmè giggled. "Daddy say nanny has been mean to you. Shall me tell mummy?"

"It's okay babes."

Rachel looked up as Alyssa walked in. She smiled. "Max dropped off Esmè here. She's with Kenzie."

"I know. I do speak to him. And I'd like to mention that he told me how you went off at her the other day. So leave her alone," Alyssa said as she looked at her mum.

Rachel rolled her eyes. She looked at her. "I'm her mother. So I know how to parent my child thank you Alyssa."

"I never said you didn't know how to parent her. I'm just saying go easy on her please. She is your daughter and I think you need to show her some respect," she said.

Rachel said nothing as she walked off.

Kenzie smiled as Alyssa walked into the room. She sat on the bed. "Have you told mum babes? Cause I think she needs to know."

Kenzie shook her head. "Mum doesn't care about me at all. All she cares about is her precious school. And her precious Lindsay James. Her own daughter doesn't even get a look in."

Alyssa took her hand and smiled. "I've always got your back babe. I promise."

Kenzie left the house. She saw Tom parked up down the road. She climbed into the car and smiled. "Hi."

"Hey. You okay?"

Kenzie nodded and smiled. She sighed. "I haven't been able to tell my mum yet. She won't listen to me," she said.

Tom sighed and nodded. He felt bad for Kenzie knowing that Kenzie was struggling so much. And there was nothing he could do.

Tom took her hand and smiled. "It's going to be okay. I promise you," he said.

Kenzie nodded and smiled. She knew she was scared to tell her mum. But she also knew she had to.


Kenzie was lying in bed. She was telling Rachel what had happened when she woke up. But would it all be okay? And could she rely on Rachel to support her?

Mummy's wild child (Waterloo road)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora