Chapter 35 - Textbook

Start from the beginning

Joe nodded, but Caleb laughed and after Nick left he said, "I heard about your balls."

"Yeah well if you pull another stunt like you pulled on Tuesday night, I'll have your balls."

"Shit, I knew it was just a matter of time before you killed me. You've been way too nice."

"I'm always nice."

"Will you stop it hurts to laugh."

He brought Caleb home mid-afternoon. They planned to cook the turkey the next day to celebrate Thanksgiving. Joe had a lot more to be thankful for than the previous year. He only had one wish which he was beginning to think might just come true.

Saturday night, he was left alone with Caleb and a slew of dishes as the others went to hear Ella perform. Gina had argued Joe should go, but he insisted. "She can give me a private serenade anytime I ask." Caleb instantly started making gagging sounds and Joe snapped, "Weren't you just in the hospital?"

Ella kissed Joe's cheek. "It's so nice to see him feeling better." Joe just smiled.

He wasn't alone with Caleb for very long, because they had a visitor. Alexa arrived while Joe was still elbow deep in pots and pans. "You two stay out here!"

He settled himself at the table with his back to the couple and turned on his laptop for the first time all weekend. He used the time to send an email to all of Caleb's teachers explaining he would not be in school for a few days.

Karen responded almost immediately. So glad he is doing better. Rumors were flying. The first one I heard was he was dead!

Joe turned around. "Did you know that kids were saying you died?"

Caleb said, "Yeah, but Lex posted a picture of me in the hospital on her story."

Joe hated social media and knew the story meant sharing every detail of your personal life with strangers. Nonetheless he was glad kids didn't think his brother was dead.

Caleb added, "It's all good now. Instead of being the new kid, I'm the kid who almost died."

Alexa added, "And the kid whose brother is the new English teacher."

Caleb and Alexa looked at each other. "What else?" Joe groaned.

Caleb said, "The hot English teacher dating the smoking chorus teacher."

"Really, so everyone knows?"

"Yeah, except most didn't call it dating," Caleb said with a smile.

"Remind me again why I dedicated my life to teaching teenagers."

"How the hell would I know," Caleb said and Alexa laughed.

"Watch it!" He said to Alexa, "I have your paper in this pile."

He turned around and heard her whispering to Caleb. Caleb said, "He's kidding."

Tommy and Leah left early on Sunday and Caleb stayed home for three days and went to school for half days on Thursday and Friday. Tommy came back for Gina and as they left he winked. "We're going to visit some friends."

"They're seeing your parents." Joe moaned to Ella.

"That's good. Tommy will convince my dad to forgive you."

"Or all the pressure will make your stubborn father dig his heels in even more."

"Be optimistic. I am," Ella opened the door and greeted Alexa. Suddenly their apartment was the new meeting place for the young couple. "Hi Alexa, did you drive over?"

She shook her head, "I'm not allowed to. My dad will get me later."

Joe asked, "Why are you suddenly hanging out here?"

"He's punishing us for lying to you. He knows your apartment is small so we can't be alone."

Joe thought, neither can we. Instead, he said, "Maybe we shouldn't wait until spring to look for a house."

Ella laughed and Caleb said, "I'm not changing schools and just so you know I decided to apply to the art school in Portland and commute from home.

"Good to know," Joe wanted to be upset, but it made him happy. They'd need four bedrooms the rate they were going because even Leah wanted to transfer, and Joe wasn't planning to wait too long to have a baby with the woman he loved.

When he mentioned it to Ella, she said, "I hate it won't be new for you. You've been an expectant father before."

"No, with you everything will be different. I'll go to doctor's appointments and ultrasounds. I'll go out late at night to buy you ice cream or pickles or whatever it is you need. I'll lie in bed with my hands on your belly feeling our baby move and I'll hold your hand and watch our baby being born. I didn't do any of those things before. At the time, I felt like a jerk, because I refused to, but it didn't really bother me, because I felt like a jerk for a bigger reason. Everything will be new for both of us, believe me."

When he was done talking Ella had tears in her eyes.

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