Tyler smirked, wiping the blood off his nose.

He turned to look at me.

"He wants to die." He said, referring to Cole.

"But you'll be the one dying," Cole said his tone firm.

Tyler started laughing, he laughed so hard that I thought he was mental.

Wait, he is mental.

Cole looked at him, confused.

Tyler stopped laughing, as he grabbed the gun from Cole's grasp.

Cole was caught off guard, as he was held by gunpoint.

I had to do something.

I walked towards Cole, as I stood beside him.

Cole looked at me, only to jerk back as I heard the bullet go off.

I looked down at Cole's arm, only to find it bleeding very much.

His blood wasn't red, it looked black, to be honest.

"Oh, God," I whispered as I stared at his arm.

Cole, though being in pain, didn't act like he was hurt.

I looked at Tyler, who was smirking widely.

"Who's going to die today?" He mockingly asked me.

I've had enough.

I stormed towards Travis who was muttering things like he won't be the same anymore all because of his hair.

He stared at me, as I neared him, before pulling out the gun from his pocket.

Travis stood shocked as I stormed back to Tyler.

I raised my gun at him.

Tyler looked amused, as he raised his gun at Cole again.

Cole stared at me, eyes widened.

"Harm me and I'll kill Cole," Tyler said, smirking at me.

At that moment everyone got silent.

I noticed Brody sneaking up at Tyler from behind.

In up to two seconds, Tyler was tackled to the ground again.

I stared at the two of them fighting.

I turned to look at Cole, who smiled at me.

"Now that's my badass." He said, winking at me.

I smiled at him, as I told him that James had given me the gun.

I guess James knew something like this was going to happen.

I looked over at Cole's bleeding arm, it was still bleeding.

Looking at James, I realized that he was moving a little.

I looked over at Jessica who was watching Brody who was fighting Tyler.

Bethany sat on her chair, shocked.

All of a sudden, Tyler hit Brody at the back of his head with his gun.

Brody froze.

"NO!" Jessica screamed in horror.

Tyler pulled Brody off him as he stood up.

He stood in front of me, as he raised his gun and pulled the trigger at me.

My body jerked back, as I started falling.

"No!" I heard Cole yelled, as my hearing capacity became low.

He shot me in the stomach.

Tyler shot me in the stomach.

I didn't fall on the ground, as Cole caught me.

"Don't faint. Stay awake." Cole whispered as he placed my head on his lap.

My mind still couldn't process the fact that my best friend shot me.

I heard the gunshot again.

"No!" I faintly heard James shout.

The next thing I know is that my gun was snatched from my hand.

And, another gunshot.

"I won't survive this." I coughed out, closing my eyes.

I heard Jessica scream in terror and Bethany's cries.

"You will," Cole said, determined.

"I want to tell you something before I die." I choked out, as the pain got unbearable.

"You aren't dying," Cole said back.

"I love you," I said, closing my eyes again.

My breath wasn't steady.

I won't survive this.

I faintly heard the sirens voice.

"The cops are here." I heard Ryder say.

"I...I love you too." I heard Cole's last voice before I...

Before I fell into the darkness, hoping I would never return.


Sad chapter.

It will be revealed in the next chapter that who died.

I love you guys so much.

And, I think I'm going to add an Epilogue.


I ain't gonna ask you guys about how the chapter was.

It was sad. I know.

Stay tuned.


Girl Next Door ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora