6.03 » twisting plots

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"I KNOW RIGHT?" All these cameras around school are creeping me out," said Magnolia. She fumbled around her satchel for her house keys with one hand, and held her phone in the other.

"Yup. I guess we'll have to be even more careful. I'll drive over to your house and we can take your car to meet the boys."

Magnolia managed to find her keys and pop open her front door.

"So... did you miss Stiles today at school?" teased Allison.

"Of course! Just like I'm going to miss you after I kill you for bringing him up."

"Don't give up hope Maggie!" she encouraged.

"I have to go," she muttered.

Allison laughed. "Okay, I get it! I'll be see you in a bit." She ended the call and tossed her phone onto the couch. She didn't have enough in her to climb the stairs, so she threw her bag on the couch, too. It had been a long day without Stiles, and she needed to see him as quickly as possible. Maggie prepared a few sandwiches for Stiles and Jackson in case they were hungry, and stuck them in her bag along with a few bottles of water and a bag of Doritos.

As soon as she grabbed her car keys, there was a knock at the door. It was odd that anyone was knocking on the door at all, since her parents were usually at work late on weekdays and two of her best friends were currently hiding off in some secluded area. Assuming it was Allison, she opened the door with a smile.

Allison wasn't at the door.

Magnolia was at the door. It was looking into a mirror, except Maggie wasn't wearing a burgundy coat with ripped black jeans, and the girl at the door didn't look half as stunned as the real Maggie did.

"Magnolia," she said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Camellia."

Maggie's heart was audibly pumping in her ears. She was barely able to utter out a single word. "W-what?"

Camellia rolled her eyes and walked past Magnolia and into the living room. Closing the front door, she stared at her doppelgänger.

"We were separated at birth. Plot twist," the girl announced. Maggie stayed silent, shocked and unsure of what to say. Camellia snorted. "I'm kidding."

"Then why the hell do you look exactly like me?" Magnolia asked, barely able to keep her composure. It sounded like something between an accusation and a shriek.

"That's what I'm here to explain," Camellia said matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry but I have somewhere to be and this is just too crazy and you have to go," she rambled. Ignoring Camellia's protests, she pushed her out the front door and locked it. Maggie took a deep breath to relax herself. Her hands were shaking and her mouth had gone dry. What the fuck was going on?

✿  .・゜゜・ ❀ ・゜゜・.✿

Turns out the boys thought it was a good idea to steal a police van and chain Jackson up in the back. Maggie didn't think it was a good idea, but it had worked regardless. Except for the part where they had to move the van because the police were out searching for Jackson. But those were just minor setbacks.

Scott and Allison had taken to the front of the van to make out, so naturally Stiles and Maggie were exiled.

"You gave him the sandwich?" she asked as Stiles exited the van.

"Yup. That jackass took the turkey club. But anyways let's get out of here before we start hearing some unwanted noises coming from Scott's car."

Magnolia grimaced. "Agreed."

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