"Well...the truth is...." I didn't know where to begin, I was struggling to form my words clearly.

"We're dating!" Haechan suddenly blurted out.

"Dating? What do you mean dating? You two were about to kill each other just yesterday!"

"It was an act." I admitted.

"The truth is we've been dating for the past month." Haechan added on.

"So you two never hated each other?" Jeno asked with a confused expression.

"We did..."

"In the beginning."

"And then...well I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I know..." Haechan suddenly held my hand and looked deep into my eyes. "I Somehow.......No.......it was inevitable. How could I not fall for someone as amazing as her?" He spoke to Jeno but his eyes never left mine.

I couldn't help but smile and wrap my arms around Haechan.

"I can't believe this!" Jeno widened his eyes. "Wait till the others find out about this."

"Noooo!" We both yelled at Jeno.

"You can't tell them!" Haechan exclaimed.

"W-why not?"

"Because we can't tell them, no just yet."

"How long were you two planning to keep this a secret?"

Neither me or Haechan answered. We never talked about how long we would keep our relationship a secret. We never even planned to have a relationship in the first place, it just happened.

Jeno stood their impatiently. "This is a joke isn't it?" He asked and looked around suspiciously. "Jaemin put you up to this didn't he? He's mad because I said that I couldn't hang out today since I was going to be at the mall with my mom."

"What? No." I responded, confused by what he was talking about.

"Please." He began to laugh at both of us. "You almost had me fooled, but do you really expect me to believe that you two are a couple. Ha-ha-Haaaa! Tell Jaemin that I'm not that stupid."

"This isn't a prank by Jaemin." Haechan tried to convince him.

"Sure." Jeno replied sarcastically. "Come on, you already told me that Y/N was the most annoying and ugly girl you've ever met."

I raised an eyebrow at Haechan. "Oh really, you said that?"

"Don't act like you don't hate him either. You practically try to kill him whenever you have a chance." Jeno added on. "You two would make a terrible couple."

"And this is exactly why we didn't tell anyone!" I snapped at Jeno.

His smile faded and his face turned serious."Wait, so you two really have been dating for this past month?"

"Yes you idiot! That's what we've been trying to tell you."

"When exactly did this thing..." Jeno flung his arms tracing a circle around us. "....relationship or whatever, begin?"

"Last month during our movie night, the night that the power went out."

"When we were playing hide n seek." Haechan added.

"So you're telling me..." A smug smile spread across Jeno's face. "That you two started dating because of me."

"Huh?" Both Haechan and I were left in confusion.

"Well I was the one who suggested to play hide n seek that night. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be going out."

Haechan hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "I guess that's somewhat true." He said while resting his chin on my shoulder.

Jeno faked a gag and stared at us in disgust before cracking a smile. "You two really like each other huh?"

We both smiled and nodded our heads in response.

"Then I promise not tell the others." Jeno smiled reassuringly. "But eventually you will have to let them know."

"We know." I told him. "We're just waiting for the right time."

Jeno chuckled. "Who knows if there will ever be a right time to drop this bomb, it's kinda unbelievable."

I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Still," He continued. "I'm pretty sure everyone will accept your relationship. I know I do."

I smiled and gave Jeno a small hug. "Thank you Jeno."

Just then a woman called out for Jeno.

"That's my mom, I have to go now." He said while waving bye.

Haechan and I both laughed as we saw Jeno run back to his mom who started scolding him.

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