I Met God of Hothead

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 I stretched my arm and sighed in contempt when I heard a 'pop' sound came from my joint. I yawned as I leaned towards Joker, who already fast asleep, I watched the makeshift fire camp in front of me. Aphrodite didn't neglect me after all, she sent a horde of dove and that horde dropped a handful of food and clean clothes along with some money, inside a bright blue backpack on top of me, literally. The horde of those damn bird, dropped the heavy backpack right on my head. The pain already gone now, but I still angry because of that.

I poke the fire and hoped someone didn't notice me, I built a make shift camp in a small clearing and luckily the tree gave me some decent cover from people. I watched the fire dance as I tried to remember the event in the original books, right now maybe Percy on the way arc, or already fought the Chimera. I only hoped I didn't have to bump into him or meet Ares. Because If I bumped into him, I will get roped into his situation and I will 'accidentally' became a quest member, and I didn't want to be that part. I didn't want to meet Hades and heard him explained that I am his true son, I didn't want to be a son of big three, even though I wanted to, so I can take Percy role.

But, I have done enough damaged to the original story line, I didn't even know what will happened next. And I didn't want to damage the original story line even further. So, I will try to avoid Hades, I didn't want to meet him at all.

Also, I have to pass Tartarus if I join Percy quest. I didn't want Kronos notice me, even I was too late for that; I'm sure Luke already informed me to Kronos, all about me, including my ability. I just hoped Luke skipped the part that 'I can see the future'. Even though Luke is not Athena kids, he quite bright for a Hermes kids. He can put two and two together, since sometimes I blurted something and that something happened later, right in front of him. And the fact that, I always blame Percy whenever I got wet from head to toe randomly.

Plus, when Percy got attacked by a hellhound and got severely injured, I dragged Percy to the water and the water healed him, as if I knew the water will heal him even before Poseidon claimed him. If he already told Kronos, well it's better if I avoid Tartarus.

I yawned as I stood up and put the fire off, I wanted to sleep and sleep with fire on like that, I can burn the whole clearing, and Demeter will make me eat cereal for the rest of my life, because I kill her beloved plant. After the fire died, I snuggled closer into Joker and began to sleep. I faintly heard wings flapped and stopped near me, I felt something heavy landed on the top of my head. I felt something sharp scratch my scalp and a faint cooed, and another gentle peck. Oh great, now the dove decided to take a sleep on my head, using my hair as a nest. So, I am not surprise if in the morning I woke up with a 'nest' hair, since a bird using my hair as one.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes slowly, I tried to adjust my eyes to my surrounding. I'm still in the clearing and Joker still snoring lightly by my side, and the damn bird already gone from my hair. I sighed loudly as I rummaged the bag, I'm thirsty and quite hungry, but I stopped when I touched something cold and smooth. Out of curiosity I pulled that thing and almost screamed my head off when I saw my own reflection.

Despite a freaking bird just nesting on my hair, it's still neat, neater than my usual messy style, almost feel like somebody just styling my hair when I fast asleep. I bet its Aphrodite doing, there's no way the other god cared about my hair style. I ran my hand through my hair and put the mirror aside, my stomach continued to grumble when I still trying to find some kind of food and water. I sighed when I felt something smooth and cold, I pulled it a found a bottle of mineral water and I managed to pull a box contain sandwiches. I quickly finished my food before closed the backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I patted Joker mane as an attempted to wake him up, Joker neighed slightly as he opened his eyes and staring straight at me.

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