I Got a Quest From an Unexpected Goddess

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I jolted from my bed again this night, I covered my face with my hand and panted heavily. Almost every night after that vision from whoever they were, I always had nightmare that haunted me, and the scary things is that nightmare is so vivid and real. I just saw myself stood above a mountain of bodies, dead bodies, I didn't even know if those bodies belongs to
human or monster or gods, maybe all of them. I just stood there, I held both of my sword while I stared at the sky with anger. The sky was gloomy, dark grey clouds hang in the sky, wind blowing so hard, while thunder began to clap around me. The sea is in chaos, while the ground is stained with red and gold. I hear cries of anger, pain and sadness. The worst thing is that didn't affect me at all, I just stare quietly at the sky while the rain finally started to come down harshly. I still could smell of flesh, blood and the wet ground, and the cold water that beat down on my face. The other dream, I saw myself surrounded by fire, my whole body burst into fire and something hot grew inside of the pit of my stomach. It's extremely painful and hot, like I was taking a dip in the sun itself, then my body fall into nothingness. The air surround me is cold then a hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me further into the darkness.

I removed the bed sheet along with my blanket that entangled my body as I put my feet on the cold floor. I rubbed my face and almost screamed on frustration, I really need my sleep time and that thing became a rare thing for me, due to the constant nightmare. I ran my hand through my black hair as I stood up from my bed, I need some fresh air and this time without god visiting me, I need some alone time. I put on my shoe and sneaked quietly to the cabin door, opened it and closed it as quiet as possible, I quickly jogged to the beach and tried to find some secluded area where the Harpy couldn't find me.

I quickly sat down and enjoyed the soft night breeze against my skin, I closed my eyes and tried to calm my mind state. After all the thing I went through, I really need to calm my mind down, I need to think clearly. I opened my eyes slowly and the sight of Calm Ocean greeted me, I could saw the star reflected in the calm water along with the full moon. I smiled at the breathtaking sight and began to stretch my arm as I laid into the soft and cool sand. I watched the night sky and I raised my hand into the night sky, as if I am trying to grab a star.

"Aw, that's so sweet" a voice cooed right beside me and that sounded so close.

I quickly changed my position into sitting and turned my head, only to find my fiancé staring at me with her brown eyes. My fiancé smiled at me as she scooted closer to me, I only eyeing her with confused and longing looks, I missed her so much and despite we are not live in the same world anymore, I still loved her. Something in my mind screaming at me, warned me about something, but the sight in front of me shut all the voice down and I found myself unable to form a single word. I reached my hand slowly towards her, I touched her cheek gently as my sight began to blur because of tears that threatened to spill.

"Clara" I whispered quietly

Clara only smiled at me while leaned on my touch.

"Please tell me that all of that just a dream" I said again, while wiped my tears.

"Your father right, you are different from the rest of his kid" my fiancé said and that word snapped me back into reality.

I blinked rapidly and my fiancé face quickly morphed into someone else entirely, and something hit me hard in the head. Aphrodite, goddess of the love and beauty. I started to blush heavily when I just realized what I've done to her when she took Clara form, words got caught in my throat. The Goddess of Love and Beauty still looked at me with glee, as if she knew something that I desperately to hide. All that sorrow and sadness just gone in instant, instead I felt flustered and slightly embarrassed for showing my vulnerability like that.

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