Item Seven: Hold Onto Someone Else's Possession

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There is a section of violence. But, I don't particularly see it as graphic? Descriptions aren't really my area. But it could be? Graphic? Idk. Read at your own risk.

Izuku threw the body on the ground. That wasn't very enlightening. He'd counted all the way to ten but no response. Was he too scared to speak? Well, in any case, he was passed out. Izuku sighed. He put on the lab coat. The least he could do was keep it safe until he found out where Shouto was. He sighed again. What a bad way to end a date!

"I just wanted to know where he is," he frowned. "It was a simple question."

"Hm? You seem to be looking for something," a man, in a fur-trimmed black coat, stood before Izuku. He had a switchblade in his hand. He swung it out. He swung it back in. Must've been a habit.

"I'm looking for a man," Izuku raised his arm, "about this high. He has white and red hair. It's perfectly parted down the middle," he explained.

"I see," the man thought for a moment. "I think I saw someone of that description walking over in that general direction," he pointed. "I hope you find him," he smiled, a bit more like a smirk, and walked away.

Izuku ran in that direction. It was as good of a direction to run in as any. Shouto. Shouto. Shouto. He repeated the name and continued running. He sniffed the air. Where was he? What had happened?


He caught the scent, clinging to it for dear life as he crouched down. "I'm only strong enough for about 5%" he admitted. His entire body glowed with a strange light. He crouched down further. One. Two. The cement of the sidewalk cracked with the pressure. Three. Four. He took off the lab coat, hugging it tightly. Five.

Izuku jumped. The sidewalk broke. His jump forever imprinted on it. His jump took him to the highest floor of the building. He grabbed the flag hanging from the side and used it to propel himself forward, kicking the window with his feet. He smiled, waving at the criminals holding his beloved Shouto hostage.

"This is the 10th floor..." one of them whispered.

"How did he do that?" the other one muttered. Each one wearing a mask over their faces.

"Don't take a step closer," the third one stood beside Shouto, gun pressed to his head. "I'll shoot," his voice shaking with terror.

"You'll shoot?" Izuku tilted his head, wondering if that was a threat. He tore off his torn suit jacket and threw it on the ground before neatly folding Shouto's lab coat and placing it nicely on the jacket.

"Oh! You mean you'll shoot Shouto!" Izuku nodded. Everything made sense now. The three idiots looked at him, still scared out of their minds, they clearly knew who he was. They wouldn't dare anger him. He could hope so, anyway.

Izuku stared at Shouto. He examined him carefully with his eyes. There were bruises under his clothes. He could tell. The ruffles of his clothing. They were trying to get information. What did they think Shouto knew? Were they trying to get information on Izuku?

The one took the gun and slapped Shouto with the base of it. His cheek bled. There was still a faint wound on the back of his head from when he slammed his head against the door after falling that one time. It would be bad if they caused another one. Izuku watched the blood trickle down Shouto's cheek

"Don't worry about me, Izuku," Shouto assured. "You should take care of yourself." Take care of himself? Izuku wasn't the one stuck in a chair with three goons around him. Izuku sighed. Shouto was too sweet. He should be a little angrier sometimes.

"You don't seem to understand what I'm talking about," Shouto sighed. "Your wrists and hands are covered in blood from the glass. You wouldn't want them to get infected. Your immune system is fairly weak because you haven't been exposed to the outside. It could get you sick again," Shouto explained. Sure enough, he had a point. Izuku's hands were a bit bloody.

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