Item Two: Shake Hands With Someone Barehanded

Start from the beginning

"It's a scar, don't trouble yourself over it," Shouto assured. "I usually conceal it with a mixture of makeup. However, since I took the shower it washed off. Besides, you aren't particularly keen on products you don't make yourself, right? So, I took extra great care to wash it all off." 

"So thoughtful," Izuku felt his heart skip a beat. This was especially true when Shouto took a step closer. He wanted to hide. But, there was a reason for this madness. Forcing himself not to think about it anymore, Izuku closed his eyes and took off his glove. He held out his hand and braced himself for impact. 

"It's not going to mean anything if I shake your hand, Izuku," Shouto said. "You have to shake my hand." 

Izuku nodded and opened his eyes. Shouto's hand was there, warm and inviting, ready to shake. He just had to grab it. His own hand shaking violently as he inched it closer and closer to Shouto's. Izuku could feel the sweat building up on his neck. He could do this. He just had to remember to breathe. Breathe. Yes, that's right, and...

Move up. Move down. Shouto's hand was so cool to the touch. Was the rest of his body this cold too? Just like his expression? No. No. Bad Izuku. You can't think dirty thoughts. Stop. Contain yourself. Leave all the dirty to Deku. He has a 'D' in his name, after all. D for Di-

"Izuku?" Shouto's voice brought Izuku back from the depths of his thoughts. "You managed to shake a person's hand barehanded. That's two things off of your list now. Your third item might be a bit tricky, but I think I've thought of a way to manage it. Izuku? Are you listening to me?"

Shouto's hand. Nice and cool. Shouto's hand. It was his hand. Nice hand. Very smooth. Nothing at all like Izuku's hand. Ah, nice hands. Izuku brought the hand up to his face. He rubbed it with his cheek. Very nice hand. 

"Hi!~ Dr. Todoroki," the silky sickening sweet voice returned. Creepy as per usual. 

"Deku? I thought you only appeared when Izuku was unconscious," Shouto observed. 

"Me too, but," Deku continued to rub his face against Shouto's hand, "Izuku is changing, Dr. Todoroki. That means there will be a few more surprises in the future. Don't worry though, I promised to be a good boy, didn't I? Praise me, Dr. Todoroki, I'm not even strangling you right now!~" Deku licked his lips. "Although, I really want to...ah, your heart is beating so fast. Are you actually afraid, Dr. Todoroki? Are you afraid of me?" Deku took a step forward. He released Shouto's hand only to wrap his arms around Shouto's neck. He hung off of him, smiling, grinning, still speaking in such a sweet voice. 

"Why should I be afraid of you? Are you going to strangle me?" Shouto replied. 

"You're so boring," Deku whined. "Scream for me. Scream, yell, throw a punch, do something!" Deku snapped. He yelled the words in Shouto's face. The man still not showing the slightest bit of a reaction. "If you won't scream, will you at least answer me one question?" Deku pleaded. 

"What is the question?" 

"Which do you prefer? Myself or Izuku?" he lowered his arm from hugging Shouto's neck and raised his hand to Shouto's face, tracing his scar. This piece of skin, at least, wasn't cold like the rest of him. That's good. 

"I do not prefer either one. I simply respect both," Shouto confessed. 

"Hah?!" Deku pushed Shouto away and took a few steps back. He was bewildered, to say the least, and a bit of fury welled up within him. "You can't like both! No one ever likes both! It's always one or the other! Show me an instance where someone likes two types of people!" 

"All people in polyamorous relationships would frown upon you right now. Not to mention bisexuals like myself. There are many instances where people like two (or more) over one," Shouto shook his head, sighing. 

"That's that, this is this, they have nothing to do with each other!" Deku slammed his foot down on the ground in his rage. "Oh? Wait," he smirked. "Bisexuals such as yourself, hm? You're bi? How nice..." Deku was quite satisfied with that piece of knowledge. 

"My head hurts," Izuku frowned. 

"I'm sure it does. You've been through quite a lot today," Shouto affirmed. "Perhaps you should rest. I shall see you again soon," Shouto turned around. 

"Ah, wait!" Izuku held out his hand, about to grab Shouto's arm, before he realized that he wasn't wearing the glove. He promptly placed his hand back at his side. Shouto stopped, that was the main objective, he didn't necessarily need to grab ahold of him anymore. "D-Did you meet him?"

"I apologize, Izuku," Shouto turned his head and placed a finger to his lips, "but that's a secret. Patient-doctor confidentiality, you know?" And then, he left. The heavy door closed. Click.

Izuku stared down at his hand. He opened and he closed it. Shouto's germs. Shouto wasn't dirty. Shouto was as clean as they could be. He smiled. Shouto's germs were his now. "He is so cold," Izuku placed his hand on his face. "So cold, so clean, like ice. Perfect ice. Ice is so pretty." Touching Shouto was much easier than touching the doorknob. Izuku found it strange but decided thinking about it by himself was too cumbersome. He would much rather think about Shouto. 

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