"An observation. Let's not get carried away."

"Hmm, I think you've been hanging around humans too long. We're starting to rub off on you."

"Don't be ridiculous," he scoffed. "If anything, it's me they should be learning from. Humans, so hilariously oblivious and predictable. They spend far too much time staring at the gadgets in their hands than they do at the stars and world around them. It's no wonder they walk straight into traffic-" He stopped himself, immediately realising his error as he observed the smile fade from her face. He closed his eyes and sighed. 'Doctor, you really are an idiot!' He cursed himself thoroughly. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. There's nothing to be sorry about," she assured him, trying to shake the thought of Danny's recently departed soul from her mind. The pain of his absence had been diminishing as her days living with the Doctor continued to wear on. Yet it would never take away the guilt she still held in her heart for deceiving the man she once loved. A man who had seen passed her faults. A man who loved her for who she was, even after the pain she put him through. A man who cared for her so deeply, he still loved her even as she carried a child that was not of his blood. She couldn't help but hate herself, even just a little, as she dwelt upon the thought of how much she had hurt him. And now he was gone. No matter the remorse she bore within her, he would never know how truly sorry she was.

She attempted to clear her mind of the memories of the past when suddenly, she felt the strong sensation of movement as their child stirred and shifted position within her. Clara brought a hand to her middle and held her breath as a brief contraction caused a light pressure to form low in her abdomen. Her other hand squeezed his firmly as her muscles instinctively tightened around their baby. The contractions had been appearing more often over the past few weeks, each one lasting slightly longer than before. A progressively unpleasant reminder of things soon to come.

The Doctor, concerned by his companion's sudden discomfort, pressed a delicate hand to her belly and protectively massaged a series of small circles over their restless daughter to calm her. He felt every push of her movements against his palm as she manoeuvred herself to a better position inside her mother. His hearts lifted with elation as her warmth spread throughout his body once more. He felt every muscle in Clara's body tense as her grip on him tightened with intensity. Sliding his way up and over her middle, he laid his hand on her sternum and gently pulled her closer to rest against him. He savoured every beat of her heart as they tapped in rhythm against his fingers. Helping to ease her mind from the conditions of her pregnancy, he tenderly kissed her temple and placed his cheek upon her head as they waited for her contraction to subside. Though he cherished Clara for providing life to their growing child more deeply than his own existence, he couldn't help but think to himself how surreal their situation had become. Within his arms, he cradled everything that mattered to him the most. It seemed far too good to be true. And in his experience, that was a most unfortunate possibility.

After a moment, she exhaled her held breath. The tension in her muscles relaxed under his grasp, finally releasing her grip on his hand. "Are you alright?" he spoke softly into her ear, returning his hands to rest upon the swell of her abdomen.

"I think so." She nodded as her mind and body melted into his embrace. "They've been getting stronger. I seriously don't understand how women make it through this part." She peered down the length of her to where he cradled their child and placed her hands over his. "Not much longer now," she informed him, unable to help the underlying hint of dread in her words.

"Yes. And to think, you've only eight months more to go."

"Hang on, what?!" Her eyes went wide with shock. She quickly turned her head towards him, only to discover his unsubtle amusement over her reaction being painted by his ridiculously wide grin. "Not even a little bit funny," she noted, frowning at his humour.

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