They had three of the demigod kids with them, the squirrelly short one, the tall quiet Asian one, and the short African American girl. Nat had learned their names to be Leo, Frank, and Hazel.

"Look, there they are," Nat whispered, she gestured her taser towards where Rhodey and Sam stood. On the other side of the hallway, Tony, Thor, Jason, Annabeth, and Nico and Will should be hiding. Nat prayed they were there. 

"Okay ready?" The girl, Hazel, whispered, her golden eyes cast up towards Nat and Clint. Who simultaneously nodded. The girl took a breath and lifted her hands. Fog filled the hallway, and the squirrelly boy, Leo, rolled something towards the eidolons possessing Nat's friends.

"What the hell?" Sam cursed as he looked down at the fog. His eyes immediately shot up and began looking around. Rhodey following suit. They began looking wary and ready for a fight. That's when the bomb went off, shoving them in opposite directions. 

Nat leaped out of her hiding spot, directly into the line of sight. She could barely make out Tony at the other end before she saw Sam launching towards her.  Nat flipped out of the way and took off down the hall, her feet making loud noises so Sam could follow. 

Nat dodged and weaved till she stumbled into a room, she didn't bother with the door. Sam entered directly behind her. Sure enough, the Latino boy leaped in and cracked something against Sam's head. he collapsed like a bag of bricks, and Piper walked in at that moment. 

Tony Stark's POV.

Tony didn't care for being chased by his best friend. The plan was Tony and Thor would lead Rhodey away, while Annabeth, Nico, and Will would go in and search for Percy. Then Jason would be assistance, making sure Piper got to them in time to banish the eidolons. 

Simple enough right? Wrong. Rhodey was shooting at them and causing enough damage to make Tony spend another fortune just repairing the place. 

"Rhodes! For the love of God! Stop shooting my walls!" Tony yelled as he swerved the corner. 

Rhodey's response was to continue shooting at Tony and the walls. Tony cursed and dodge a particularly close missile. 

He rip-roared through the halls until he caught sight of Jason waving him down.  Tony blasted into the room and with Rhodey behind him. The second he entered the room, lightning struck Rhodey causing his suit to drop to the floor like a rock. 

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Tony's face mask flipped up and he glared at Jason. The boy merely shrugged before he stepped up and helped Tony peel the face-plate off Rhodey.

Piper bounced in and immediately Rhodey's eyes shot open and this time they were pure gold. Tony felt a shudder run through him. He didn't like seeing his best friend like that. It wasn't him. 

He opened his mouth to speak and Piper beat him to it, "Be gone bitch! Back to Tartarus with you!" That wasn't what she said, but it was what Tony liked to imagine. He refused to believe otherwise. 

Nico di Angelo POV.

He was pretty sure Annabeth was gonna blow a gasket. He had never seen her this fretty over Percy. 

"I'm fine, Wise girl. It's fine," Percy tried to reassure her.  It was useless of course, but he tried nonetheless. 

"I don't have ambrosia...I used it all up on Leo's wrist....gods damn it," She cursed as she searched through her bag. Will snorted from where Nico sat in his lap, he looked behind him to see Will casually holding a small baggie of ambrosia. He was waiting for Annabeth to notice him. 

"Chase," Nico sighed, and sure enough her head whipped up. Her gray eyes zeroed in on the baggie and she snatched it from his hand easily. 

"Thank you," She was already breaking off a piece to feed Percy, and he willingly took it.

"Oh, your welcome. What kind of doctor would I be if I didn't carry some?" Will wrapped his arms back around Nico's midsection.

"Thank you," Percy and Annabeth said in unison.

"Damage has been assessed and as I thought, it will cost a fortune," Tony sighed as he dropped himself down into the chair across from Annabeth and Percy. 

"How are the others?" Hazel leaned forward, she was perched on the floor between Frank's legs. Despite that being his sister, he found it cute how Frank kept petting Hazel's hair. 

Tony shrugged, "They'll be okay, rest for sure. The real question, how are you guys?"

Nico shrugged but his eyes drifted to Percy, he had a nasty looking black eye and a small concussion. 

Annabeth was holding ice to the swollen eye as she looked up at Tony, "We'll be fine. Thank you so much for your help," 

Tony shrugged and began swiveling on his chair, "I'm just sorry we attacked you guys. You really are nice kids,"

Nico snorted and leaned his head back onto Will's shoulder, "It's fine, old man," 

Tony gasped and looked appalled before his eyes landed on Peter. Who was happily showing off his web-shooters to Leo. "Yeah...yeah, you're alright, Hot Topic," 

Then it was Nico's turn to be appalled but he was distracted by Will's loud ass cackling.

Maybe Percy being a complete idiot sometimes wasn't always bad? They had made some pretty incredible new friends. Nico hummed thoughtfully before he pinched Will's ear, which just started pinching and poking war. 

Yeah, new friends were alright, Nico laughed as Will got a good poke into his side.

~I'm alive, and well. One chapter left!! What did y'all think? Sorry this took literal months. Endgame had me messed up for a while...~

~Anyway, enjoy, and ....~


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