-Chapter Fifteen-

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Nico di Angelo

When I was awoke by that god I thought I was going to loose my mind, but now this? A horrible loud jarring alarm had started blaring though-well everything. Lets just say I didn't appreciate it I rolled out of bed, grabbing my sword and walked down the hall to see what was happening. 

When I walked out into the room I was surprised to see all the Avengers diligently working on all the computers. I though there must have been a system malfunction till I saw Tony put on his suit. I scowled running forward to see what was going on. 

"Whoa, what's happening?" I asked no one in particular. It ended up being Bruce who answered me. 

"These stupid people with bats and stuff are trying to break in, and they are somehow succeeding!"  Bruce was furiously typing something onto the computer, I looked at the screen where live video was playing. I groaned as I saw empousa and hellhounds all trying to break through the door. My head dropped a bit as I groaned. Of course, stupid monsters have found us, and now I have to deal with them. 

"Everyone Stop!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to freeze, they all looked at me blinking. I took a breath, " No one goes out there, someone find me Percy and Annabeth. I'm going to need their help. We will take care of this, you can't intervene." I looked at Tony mostly as I spoke. His eyebrows kept inching up his face with every word that came from my mouth.

"You can't boss us around, especially when people are attacking our tower!" Tony started to argue, and I could tell most of them were agreeing.

"I'm not asking. Those aren't people, they are monsters hidden in the mist, and your weapons wont do a damn thing on them. So, unless you want to die by the claws of a hellhound I suggest you stay here, or I'll make you." I sent a side ways glance as I heard footsteps, I really hope that's Percy and Annabeth.

"Make us? I'd like to see you try, you are sixteen year old skinny kid?" I heard someone say, I felt my lip quirk into a sneer. They were testing my none existent patience's, I was sleep deprived and cranky. Will would normally make me go back to bed with a cup of some sleep medication that was supposed to help, but Will isn't here and these people are pushing me. 

I slammed my hands down onto the floor, and it cracked apart like an egg and out crawled multiple skeletons. All holding spears or swords. I waved for them to go to the Avengers, who were staring at me with scared eyes. I smiled.

"Never test a sleep deprived son of Hades. Stay here. We have this handled." I gave them a two finger salute with a 'ciao' before I dashed down the hall my sword hitting my leg as I ran away from the yelling Avengers. 

As I was running down the hall something slammed into my side so hard that I crashed down to the floor and sliding sideways. I groaned as I stood up knowing that my left hip was definitely going to bruise later. I looked over to see Percy sitting flat on his butt rubbing his head where I assumed he hit it on the wall. Behind him stood Peter, Bucky, and Annabeth all looking down at him in concern.

"Watch where you're going, Jackson. Now come on, I need you two's help." I pushed myself up dusting off the large sweatpants that I was still wearing. Percy and Annabeth looked at me in confusion. I waved for them to hurry up. "You two, the rest of your crew is waiting in the back room." With that Bucky and Peter sent me a skeptical glance before taking off in the direction where I had left the other Avengers. 

"What's going on?" Annabeth asked me, my head turned to look at her stormy grey eyes. 

"Empousa and Hellhounds are waiting for us at the front and rear door, but I had to trap the Avengers in the back room so they didn't get themselves killed. Now, please tell me you have your weapons." I asked desperately as I rubbed my very sore hip. Percy pushed himself up as he waved Riptide between his fingers, and Annabeth shook her head.

An Unfortunate Crossing (Avengers/Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now