The leaders of the group are Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki.

On the Akatsuki side, I knew the members already but there's a few people the Akatsuki had recruited. They are Karin, who is in Freshmen year and Suigetsu and Juugo, both Sophmore year.

I heard that the Akatsuki and the Konoha Elite have a grudge against each other. They often start fights in school and outside of school. When I say 'fight', I mean literally fight. They once had to stay at the police station for almost five hours. I wonder how the Class President could still hold his title. Maybe, he is the one who plans everything? Rumor says that the Akatsuki are working with the Yakuza. If I'm not wrong, Temari, Kankuro, Gaara and Sasori were from the same Junior high school.

Today is a Friday. Things went as per normal. After PE, was Free Period. I spent my time in the library during that period. After changing out of my PE attire, I grabbed my school bag and made my way to the library. As I entered the library, I looked around to find an empty table. I found a table at the back of the library, near the big glass window that faces the field, that was at the back of the school. I made my way to the table and set my school bag on one of the chairs. I took a sit next to the chair, where my school bag was. I took out my only homework for the day, which was Math, my calculator, my pencil case and my Math notes. 

I took out a pen from my pencil case and started to attempt the sums. The library was dead silent. I saw many students and the librarian, but only the sounds of pages being flipped were heard. I suddenly heard the chair in front of me being moved. I looked up from my homework to see Sai.

"Oh, hello, Kasumi! I didn't see you there." he smiled.

"Man, this guy is creepy..." I thought.

"Err, yeah?" I just say. 

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I looked out the window and saw the baseball team practicing. I looked at what Sai was doing, he was sketching in his sketchbook.

"Art Club assignment due by next Monday." he noticed me looking at his sketchbook.

"Oh..." I said softly, as I continued my Math homework.

"Maybe, I should ask Sasori on Monday..." I thought, as I stared at my homework.

"Hey, Kasumi..." he called.

"Yeah?" I looked at Sai, who was still smiling.

"This guy is too creepy!!" I screamed in my head.

"The Konoha Elite members have been thinking." he begun.

I gave him a quizzical look.

"Would you like to join the Konoha Elite?" he asked.

"We saw you kicking that guy out of the female toilet the other day." he added.

"Which after school activity are you in, may I ask?" he asks.

"I don't have one at the moment. But, I'm thinking of joining the Kendo Club since I was in the Kendo Club in my previous school last year." I answered.

"Hm.. I see.."

"Well, what do you say? Would you like to join the Konoha Elite?" he asked, once again.

I thought for a moment. I promised my uncle that I wouldn't get into any trouble. And all this gangs screams trouble. I'm not interested in joining gangs.

"Look... I'm sorry, Sai. I'm not really interested in you know..." I advereted my gaze to the big window.

"Joining your so called gang." I looked at him in the eyes when I said that.

"Well, I've tried my best." he simply said as he stood up from his seat and begun walking away.

I didn't say a word after he left. A few minutes later, the dissmisal bell rung, signalling the end of the day. I sighed in relief. I started to put my calculator, pencil case, Math notes and Math homework into my school bag. After packing, I stood up from my chair while I slung my school bag on my right shoulder and made my way to out of the library. I walked through the busy and crowded hallways, to my locker on the second floor. The library was on the fourth floor. I left one of my textbooks in my locker and took out my helmet. I slammed my locker door shut and made my way to the parking lot.

"Lucky thing, it's Friday..." I thought to myself as I made my way towards my motorcycle.

I sat on my motorcycle and fixed my helmet. I ensured my school bag is in front of me as I ignited the engine. As I was about to ride away, I saw Deidara passing by with Sasori. I saw him looking at me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and drove towards the exit of the school. 

"I want to go home now..." I thought to myself as I entered the main street that was in front of my school and sped up.

Long Time ( Deidara Love Story ) xXx Konoha High School xXxKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat