The Alley: Marliza

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Warning: death

Maria's POV

I whipped around a corner into an alley. A man was chasing me. As I whipped around the corner I could hear him laughing while saying, "you can run, but you can't hide." Tears were running down my face. I could barley see, since the tears were blurring my vision.

I soon realized that I had gotten myself into a dead end. I prayed that the man wouldn't hurt me. My wishes were denied though. My back was against the rough brick wall of one of the buildings. I was trying to catch my breath, when the man appeared right in front of me. He had short dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a black jacket, a black shirt, pair of blue jeans, and black shoes.

"I've got you now." He said as he pulled out a knife from one of his pockets. I screamed as he lunged for me.

Eliza's POV

I was walking down the street on my way back to Maria's and my house, after getting groceries. I stopped all of a sudden when I heard a blood curdling screech. I soon unfroze and ran towards the screech. When I got there I saw a girl with long wavy dark brown hair, tan skin, and she was wearing a dark red dress. It took me a few minutes, but then I realized the girl was Maria.

I let out a blood curdling screech of my own as I ran towards her. Tears were pouring down my face as I checked for a pulse. I didn't find a pulse though. I saw that her stomach had been stabbed. I pulled out my phone and shakily called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" I heard a male on the other side speak.

"I-it's my girlfriend, she's been stabbed and left in an alley." I sobbed out.

"Eliza, is that you?! Where are you?!" I heard the guy say, then I recognized the voice. It was George Washington.

"Yes, I need help please. I can't find a pulse. I'm near *insert address and address*." I told him.

"Help is on the way. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. We can try to save her, but since you said there was no pulse it might not work." He told me.

"Ok." I choked out. An ambulance came a few minutes late and got Maria on it. I was by her side while holding her hand and sobbing. Washington ended up coming and was rubbing my back soothingly. He had basically accepted my friend group and me as his children. Especially Alex, although Alex didn't like being called son by George.

When we got into the hospital George stayed with me while the doctors tried saving Maria. I was sobbing into my hands as he was rubbing my back soothingly. He told me comforting things like, "the doctors are trying their best." And things like that.

An half an hour later a I heard a doctor come out and say, "time of death 5:42, March 17, 2019." I sobbed even harder and George pulled me into a comforting hug. I don't know how long I was there sobbing on George, but eventually I went into Maria's room. She looked peaceful, almost like she was sleeping. Her eyes were closed, she was paler than usual, her face was calm, but she had a bloody wound on her stomach. I could see dry blood on her dress, near where the knife had torn her dress and stabbed her stomach.

Tears were pouring down my face. I leaned down, and kissed her lips one last time. I touched my forehead to hers and stayed there for a few moments. Then I went out of her room. "Want me to take you home?" George asked me. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I texted my friends to meet me at my house.

When I got to my home I unlocked the door and went in. I sat on the couch and waited for everyone to get here. It didn't take them long though. Soon we were all scattered around on chairs, couches, tables, and the floor in my living room.

"I-I have news to tell y'all. M-Maria has d-d-di-" I started saying but broke down before I could finish. All I was met with was silence for a minute, before all Hell broke loose. Lafayette cursed in French, Herc tried calming Laf down while sobbing, Alex stood up and pushed Thomas off of a stool then smashed the stool, Thomas cursed as Alex pushed him off of the stool he was sitting on, James Madison broke out in sobs, John tried calming Alex down, Angelica and Peggy came over to me and pulled me into an embrace as I sobbed into them, George Washington tried to calm everyone down, and Burr went over to make sure Thomas was ok.

After George managed to calm us all down guess to burst down the door. Yes, you're right "King" George Fredrick the third. Followed by Samuel Seabury, he paused though. "NO NEED TO FEAR KING GEORGE IS HERE NOW!!" "King" George shouted.

All Hell broke loose again. Alex stormed over "King" George and punched him in his face. Washington then pulled Alex off of "King" George. He managed to get everyone calm again. Then he broke the news to "king" George. Everyone eventually had to leave though. Well almost everyone, Angelica and Peggy decided to stay with me for a little while. I was grateful to have them as sisters. We watched a Disney movie, it was good from what I saw. But, I couldn't focus on it very good.

My sisters understood that I was going through a lot and told me that they didn't plan on leaving me alone until I felt better. That night I fell asleep sobbing though.

Time squip

The next morning the news was on tv, it had shown about Maria's murder. Apparently they had found who did the murder, but haven't found him yet. Apparently Peggy had to go to her flute lessons and Angelica had to go to work, so I was alone. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat on the couch. A guy by the name of Sam Adams had murdered her.

Then there was a knock at the door. A guy was there. He had dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. I let him in and we talked. I then found out his name was Sam Adams. I freaked out and yelled, "Why did you kill my girlfriend!" At him.

He told me, "Because I'm in love with you, you oblivious little girl." Then he grabbed my face and forcefully kissed me. I pushed him away and slapped him.

"How dare you!" I screeched at him. Then I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He came towards me again and this time I was prepared. I stabbed him as he was running to me. He then fell on the ground clutching the knife. I had impaled him right in the chest, to be specific his heart.

The police eventually came and took the body. I told them it was an act of self defense and I didn't get in trouble. Even though I had murdered the man who murdered my girlfriend, I was still depressed. I stayed that way for a while, it was hard to get over her. She was an amazing girlfriend for as long as I had her as my girlfriend. Even before then, she was an amazing friend. 

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