Cuddles On the Couch: Lams

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                                                                                 Alex's POV

John and I were cuddling on the couch, while watching Robin Hood. Well, more like John was watching Robin Hood while I was watching him. He was in my lap while my arms were around him. He giggled while the image on the tv showed Prince John in a mud puddle sucking his thumb after being robbed. While, Sir Hiss was giving him a disapproving look.

I smiled at John's cute laugh then asked him, "do you want me to make some popcorn?" He smiled and nodded his head. He got off of my lap, and got comfy on the brown sofa. I then got up and walked to our kitchen. The brown wooden door creaked as I opened it. I walked up to one of the white cabinets and opened it.

I grabbed the blue box of popcorn and grabbed two bags of unpopped popcorn from inside the box. I walked over to the black microwave, and put one of the bags inside it. I punched in the time for how long it needed to be cooked, and started it. After I finished making both bags of popcorn, I went back into the living room.

John was immersed in the movie. I smiled gently at him and walked over to him. He heated the floorboards cream under my weight and looked up at me. I held out one of the bags of buttery popcorn to him. He grabbed it, and I sat back down on the couch. He plopped back down into my lap and started eating his popcorn. "John?" I questioned. He hummed and looked up at me. I looked down at him, and kissed him. He kissed back and I smiled while stealing some of his popcorn. He noticed and we broke apart from the kiss.

He scowled and whined, "Hey, you have your own popcorn." I just smirked and ate the handful of popcorn the I stole from him.

"Sorry baby." I replied. He just turned back and continued to watch the movie. After the movie finished I flipped him on the couch so that I was on top of him.

"Are you still mad at me?" I whined. He didn't reply. I leant down and connected our lips. He didn't kiss back. "Baby." I whined again.

He sighed, "I have to use the restroom." I let him get up.

That night we were in bed and I asked, "Are you still mad at me for stealing your popcorn?" He huffed at me and I got closer to him so that I was spooning him.

I leant up to his ear and asked him again, he just sighed and flipped around so he was facing me. He connected our lips in a sweet but short kiss. Then he replied with, "How can I stay mad at you?"

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