The killers come to town

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Quick side note:
In this fanfic Jeff is 15 and Toby is 14. This is set after everything in gravity falls happened and gravity falls has a much more goofy atmosphere compared to creepypasta so that's why the characters aren't as serious.

Jeff hadn't been in gravity falls for that long. Their previous location was kinda a ghost town now so slenderman decided to relocate them. Jeff was scoping out the new forest, knife in hand, when he saw a girl chopping down a tree with her axe.
Looks like an easy kill. He thought.

He slowly approached the girl from behind. She must of heard him coming because she turned around and elbowed him right in the face. Jeff groaned and backed up a bit but was hardly phased by this. he still gave props to the girl.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

You kidding me?
"The name is Jeff the killer, I'm surprised you haven't heard of me." Jeff didn't mind talking to his victims because he knew he could still kill them even with his guard down.

"So..... what's yours?" Jeff asked.

"Wendy.." the girl said looking at him up and down.

"Well Wendy it was nice meeting you and all but you gotta die now. Sorry." Jeff said with a cocky grin on his face while raising his knife.

He ran up to her and tried to slit her throat, but she quickly pushed his knife down away from it, not completely blocking his attack. It ended up making a bloody slash from the top of her chest to just above her ribs. It wasn't a very deep cut so little blood came out.

"Huh you're a little tougher than I expected.. no matter, just makes the kill more fun." He said.
Wendy decided to stop messing around. She threw the axe at her attacker and ran off.

The axe flew towards Jeff as he tried to dodge the attack. The axe created a slash from his stomach to his right arm. Again this hardly phased the killer at all.

Hmm Maybe I should let her live. Not many people actually fight back.. She could prove to be valuable. He thought as he ran towards Wendy.


Ticci Toby's POV
Slendys so annoying. do I really have to look at a stupid shack full of fake junk. I took off my goggles and pulled my hood down as I approached the so called mystery shack and opened the doors. Hopefully no one will question the mouth guard. I can't let anyone see my gash.

As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a 12 year old girl looking at me up and down.
I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

She took a deep breath in and shouted.

"....... NEW BOYFRIEND!!!"

Wait wut

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