chapter three - isn't he lovely?

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ben's p.o.v:

i walked briskly down the street, pulling my jacket a little tighter around me as the chilly breeze nipped at me. a few cars flew by as i walked down the street to the coffee shop where i'd be meeting up with rami, lucy, and gwilym and where i'd be meeting joe for the first time. i was sort of nervous, and shoved my hands deeper into my pockets to attempt to help them stop shaking. i don't know why i was so nervous to meet him. or maybe i was just simply nervous because i didn't know anything about him. maybe it was a bit of both. i finally made it to the coffee shop, pulling the door open and walking inside. i stopped inside the door, looking around for my friends. they were sat off to the side, and i saw them when rami waved at me. i walked across the room to them and pulled out a chair to take a seat. gwilym looked up from staring into his coffee cup, said a simple "hey ben" and went back to staring in his coffee. rami turned to me, smiling and said, "you're right on time." i looked at him confused. "on time for what?" i never got an answer because the entire coffee shop burst into applause out of nowhere. i looked towards the little performance area to see a guy walking towards the stool and microphone that were set up with a beautiful, black, acoustic guitar. he waved to everyone, smiling as he approached the stool. as he sat down, he spoke into the mic, "hi guys! how's everyone doing today?" oh my god his voice. it was beautiful. he hadn't even performed yet and his voice was already music. i felt my face start to warm as the blush started creeping into my cheeks. rami leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "unless you want tomato to be the first impression you give, i suggest you start controlling that blush of yours." "what do you mean? is he here already?" i started looking around, wondering which one of the people here was him. rami grabbed my chin and turned my face to the performance area and softly said, "say hello to your prince charming." he let go and out of the corner of my eye, i could see him looking at me and smiling. i felt my jaw drop a little as i watched him talk to the crowd, laughing at comments they made or answering questions. i put my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my hand as he started playing. he played some songs i had heard of before, and he was amazing. he ended with a song i hadn't heard of before, which was love of my life by a band called queen. it was a beautiful song, sung by an even more beautiful person. when he finished, the audience burst into applause. he stood up, taking a little bow and waving to everyone as he walked off. lucy stood up, saying, "i'll go tell him where we are so he can join us when he's done packing his stuff up." and with that, she ran off to find him. i fell back into my seat, already feeling myself become infatuated with a man i hadn't even officially met yet. the way the light hit his ginger hair and lit up his hazel eyes was unlike anything i had ever seen before. he was angelic under the lights, and i felt as though i could spend forever watching him perform. lucy came back over and sat down in her chair again. "he said he'll be right over," she said with a smile. "oh and he's very excited to meet you, ben." i felt my face heating up again and i pulled my sleeves over my hands and covered my face so i didn't have to hear the taunting i would get from my friends. rami nudged me a couple times and started laughing. i pulled my hands down so my sleeves were covering just my nose, cheeks, and mouth and glared at rami. he kept laughing til he looked at me and stopped. lucy gently put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. i could read her face well enough to understand what she was saying without words. i pulled my hands away from my face and smiled back at her. the silence was broken by the empty chair next across from me and the angelic human that was joe sat down in it. it only took two words out of his mouth for me to realize that i was in fact into him. "hey guys."

somebody to love | ben hardy x joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now