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A/N Written by @TheForgottenSilentMaiden. Plot minorly changed.

Now Batman wasn't normally a laid back person, he's harsh, smart and rather scary to anybody who doesn't know him. But to those that do know him on a more personal level, tend to get exasperated quite frequently with his shenanigans. Like now…

Bruce whooped in glee as he slid (rather dangerously might I add) down the banister that led to the bat cave. He was on a spare piece of smooth wood, having ditched a metal slab a few weeks back as the noise hurt everyone.

Alfred huffed in annoyance, rushing down and keeping a steady pace, having already been a few yards before his ward. Anyone could clearly see the older of the two was far ahead the 'mature bat'.

Then the little brat passed him!

"KEEP UP WILL YA!" Bats cackled maniacally.

Alfred growled, feeling rather insulted by what the young sir was insinuating. He was not Hella old! Grunting he jumped onto the Banister, sliding on his thankfully handy washcloth. He quickly caught up with the man, skilfully jumping over with the Wash cloth and slammed onto the Banister, now in front of the man.

He turned around and gave a shit eating grin before gracefully jumping over the very end of the banister and landing quite easily on the cold hard floor. His charge however was rather unlucky, caught up in his shock, slammed into the pointed edge of the banister. He flew head over heels and landed safely in a pile of rock-shaped pillows they had put there for just an occasion.

Despite the pout and rather distressed look on his charge, Alfred simply smoothed down his suit and gave a small smirk.

"Tea Sir?" He hummed softly, turning to the underground Kitchen they had now opted to keep.

"You totally cheated." Bruce grumbled, flipping safely on all fours.

"Would that be Green Tea or Lavender?" Alfred called, his amusement clearly shown in his tone.

"I should have won!" The man complained, running onto his conveniently placed roller chair and sliding up to the computer. "You were running! You cheater!"

"Lavender it is!" Alfred laughed.

Bruce huffed, puffing out his cheeks angrily before taking a quick look at his keyboard.

"Uh Bats?" The Speakers boomed.

Bruce yelled in absolute shock, slipping off his chair and landing hard onto the floor. He gave a heavy cry of pain.

"SON OF A BITCH!" He cursed, slamming his hands on the table as he pushed himself above it. "When the fuck did I turn the computer on!?"

He gazed at the surprised faces of the other Six leaders, aside from Superman.

Before either could get a word out, a book came flying from the side, striking Bats upside the head and flying high into the air.

"Shi-!" The book slammed hard onto his head before Bruce was able to utter another word, falling feebly onto the floor.

"Profanity Sir." Came his surrogate's father disappointed tone.

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