Part 22- Hide And Seek

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(Sofia POV)

Sofia and MacGyver crept around another corner. 

They had searched everywhere, and still no sign of them. 

She growled in frustration. At this rate we'll never find them. 

 "We need to split up." She finally said. 

MacGyver looked at her like she had grown three heads. "Are you insane?" He asked in bewilderment. 

Sofia rolled her eyes "You just now noticed?" 

 "But you said not to split up—" 

 "Yes, I know what I said, but we'll get them faster if we split up and search. I can handle myself, and from what I've seen, you can too." 

 "I just think it's better if we stick together." He reasoned. 

Sofia let out an exasperated sigh "And I think it's faster if we don't. Come on Mac, we both know I'm right." 

 He had a conflicted look on his face, but eventually he nodded in agreement "Fine. But I'm going to need your phone first." 

 Sofia raised an eyebrow "Why?" 

 "Because. If things go south, you'll need some form of contact with me so I can save your sorry ass." 

 Sofia snorted "I can save my own sorry ass thank you very much." But she handed the phone to him anyway, tapping her foot impatiently before he handed it back to her. 

"Good Luck." He said as he disappeared around another turn. 

Sofia turned her attention back to the hall. She moved swiftly through each corridor, searching in every room for any of her targets, but none were to be found. She huffed and wondered if her brother was having any more luck than she was. This was supposed to be faster. Sofia thought to herself. She had looked everywhere at this point. They had to be here somewhere! So why didn't she see a trace of any of them?

(Cage POV)

"That's why we're going after them."

Cage pushed her shaking body off the ground "I'm coming too."

Maia snorted at her statement "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're in no state to be going anywhere." 

 Cage struggled to stand on her shaking legs, but stood up none the less "You don't understand. You have to let me come with you." 

 Adria turned to Maia and shrugged "You might as well let her come Maia. She's just going to follow us if we don't. And boss told us if anything happens to this one she's going to best our asses until we don't have one anymore." 

 Cage chuckled at Adria. The red haired girl nodded "I'm dead serious, those were her exact words." 

Maia rolled her eyes "All the more reason to leave her here with the others." Maia reasoned. 

Cage could tell she was beginning to grow impatient with her companion. 

Cage narrowed her eyes "I'm coming with you and that's final." She said. 

If Mac was in danger she wanted to be able to help make sure he came back safe. 

Something seemed to snap in Maia, because the younger girl finally lost her cool "You're only going to slow us down!" Maia shouted. 

 "Maia—" Adria started. 

"No! She could be in danger Adria! King could have her! She could be torturing her right now! We can't lose any time!" Maia cut her off. 

Hell Sibling (MacGyver FF) HS1 UNDER REVISION Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang