Part 16- Relationships

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A/N: This chapter is kind of just a fluffy filler while I try to get past my writer's block

(Sofia POV)


"Perri!" Sofia whispered "Are you there?" Persephone's slim figure appeared from a corner in the hall "Sofie!" She laughed quietly, embracing the Sofia "You came." Sofia buried her face in Phersephone's hair "Of course. Whenever you need me, I'll always be there." Persephone have her a dazzling smile that seemed to light up the room "What did I do to deserve you?"

Sofia was whisked out of her thoughts when the door to her holding room opened. She looked up to see who it was "Oh, hey Cage." She said, waving casually at the Australian agent. 

Cage smiled at sat down across from her "Any word from our friend yet?" She asked. 

Sofia shook her head. "Nope." She said, glancing at her phone. 

Since the Ophidia didn't know about the Phoenix, they'd given Sofia her phone back in case they called, but someone was to check in every hour for an update. 

"They'll play their hand once they're ready." She said. 

Cage nodded, but instead of leaving, she placed a friendly hand on top of Sofia's. "I couldn't help but notice that you were very tense when we left last night. Did something happen?" 

 Sofia sighed. Cage already knew so much, she might as well go ahead and tell her. 

"The contact they sent was Persephone." 

 "You don't like her I'm assuming?" Cage asked. 

"Well, Persephone and I...we have some history together." 

 Cage leaned back in the chair and raised an eyebrow "I see." 

 "She....meant a lot to me....but then I found out that it was her who betrayed us to the Heads. It was her actions that ultimately got Dallas killed...after that...I never saw or spoke of her again..." Sofia trailed off. 

"Until last night." Cage finished. 

Sofia nodded "Yes, until last night." 

 "You and Persephone were romantically involved weren't you." Cage asked. 

Sofia sighed and looked up at the ceiling "Please, don't remind me." 

"But it still hurts you doesn't it? You cared about her and trusted her. And she went and betrayed that." 

 Sofia shrugged "I guess in away it all worked out. Persephone was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life, and if she hadn't betrayed us, I never would have known." 

 "But Dallas would still be alive." Cage added. 

Sofia raised her eyebrows "So then I guess it goes both ways." 

 She suddenly felt the atmosphere of the room shift from compassion to protectiveness. 

"In all honesty Sofia," Cage told her "That girl didn't deserve you, and she never will." 

 Sofia smiled at Cage's kind words. "Thank you. Really. This...helped." 

 Cage nodded "Of course. You can come to me with anything. The others may not trust you, but I know that buried underneath all the weight you carry, there's a good person in there somewhere." 

 Sofia looked down at her hands and then back at Cage who was walking out the door. Even though she was alone in the room again, the overwhelming feeling of loneliness seemed to subside a little after her talk with Cage. It felt nice to have a friend...

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