02: Uzumaki and Uzumaki

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-Previously in Demigod-

Suddenly Shinji screamed and started crying while clinging to Hiruzen's robes.

When he turned around his eyes widened.


Hiruzen had heard many stories and myths, some of which were weird while some of them where simply unbelievable.

In his case, he was seeing the most legendary eyes in the history of eyes.

In front of him was the powerful Rinnegan.

But as surprised as he was, the thing that surprised him more was the owner of those eyes.

Shinji cried in fear because of the being or creature standing in front of him.

He did not even notice the change in his vision.

All he knew was that at first, there was a boy in front of him and then suddenly the boy was covered with a red mist (or so he thought) which had the appearance of a big scary dog with long and sharp teeth (or so he thought) and it looked like it wanted to eat him.

On the other side when Naruto saw this he looked at the ground with a pained expression.

"What did I do" he said with watery eyes before running to a nearby empty room.

The Sandaime looked at n
Naruto and then back at Shinji.

He went through some hand seals before putting his hand on Shinji's forehead and saying "kai".

Soon Shinji's eyes had reverted back to normal, but shinji still kept on crying.

"Shinji why are you crying?" He asked.

"B-big dog want to eat me"
He said still crying.

"Big dog?" He asked and then realization hit him.

"Was it red?" He asked just to be sure.

"Yeeeees" Shinji sniffled,  confirming his thoughts.

'Kyubi' he thought, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"Don't worry Shinji" he said reassuringly. "It happens when you are very tired because when you are very very tired you start seeing different things. I did not see it because I'm not tired".

"So it's not going to eat me?"

"Yes, now stop crying okay?" Shinji nodded.

"Drink some water it will give you some energy" Hiruzen said as he gave him water from a nearby table.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked when Shinji was done drinking.

He nodded.

"Okay Shinji you see the boy who came earlier? He is sad because when you started crying he thought you were scared of him".

"But am not scared of him" he said with a confused face.

"Yes but he thinks that you are scared of him. And he's crying because of you so what do you do when you make someone cry?" Hiruzen asked.

Demigod : The Dark Uzumaki Where stories live. Discover now