13 : Reasons and Accusations

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A\N: Okay, so I can only hope I haven't lost too many readers after all this time not showing any sign of life.

Personally, I don't think I'd care about the reason due to which someone didn't update for a long while but if you wanna know, my phone was kinda "out of order" and I couldn't type anything for a while. On top of that I'm struggling with something close to what is notoriously known as Author block.

Like, the plot is laid out but now the problem is typing the non-action part.

I'm not supposed to rant so let's just move on.

Please enjoy chapter 13 of Demigod.


School was over, so obviously, Naruto's destination should've been set to wherever Shinji could be right now.

However, as much as all he wanted was to go inform his brother about his greatest victory and achievement yet, he found himself intrigued by the sound of anxious calling.

"Mochi!!" He could hear dog breath and other nobodies shouting round and for whoever this Mochi was.

He currently stood on a rooftop just above them, not far from school.

"Dude what the hell's wrong!?" Someone asked.

"It's mochi! He left the school while others where still sparring and now we can't find him"

"That's it? Man he could be at home for all you know—"

"No!" Kiba suddenly shouted, surprising everyone. "He's not at home and I'm pretty sure he won't be coming back anytime soon, if we don't find him!"

"Man, come on, don't you think you're overreacting there"

"Yes I am! and you should be just well!!"

"Dude so you're saying that the guy actually ran away just cause he was humiliated by the love of his life? Which is not even the first time by the way"

"Man I'm getting tired, see ya all tom guys"

"Yeah I got stuff to do at home, see ya, guys"

"You should go back too Kiba"

"No but wait what are you all... I'm serious we gotta find him!"

"It's fine he's gonna get over it anyway, I bet my shoes he'll be at school tomorrow"

"No one needs your weird ass shoes dude"

"Hey they're just dusted up a bi...."

Kiba could only stare at their retreating forms, their joyful voices fading in the almost deserted afternoon street.

Clenching his fists real hard, he smashed his right on the wall near him before kicking an innocent pebble that had the bad luck to have been lying around.

"Oi! Kiba!" Naruto decided to make himself noticed at that moment. He'd been standing on a roof that was above them.

Kiba's glare could've frozen a younger kid.

"What do you want, I'm in a really bad and I ain't got the time to deal with your—"

Naruto sighed as he rolled his eyes, "Wow And here I thought you could do with some help, fine do what you want" he shrugged, "I got my own stuff to do anyways so see ya" putting his hand behind his neck, he casual walked away with an indifferent gaze.

"What would you be able to do anyways! You don't even know him!" The angry Inuzuka heir spat.

Naruto paused in his steps. Slightly tilting his head he spoke, "dunno maybe you're right" he stated with what looked like a bored gaze.

Demigod : The Dark Uzumaki Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora