Chapter 1

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Being pushed on the swing was the best. So was picking flowers. So was ice cream. But all three? Such rewards could only be earned by a good girl. And this girl was such a girl. Her daddy pushing her in the swing, holding the soon-to-wilt flower bouquet of daffodils and dandelions; the perfect sunny fall day - not too hot, but not too cold yet, either - and the many variations of ice cream flavors to choose from. Such could only be earned by such a good girl, one who got As and Bs on her very first report card. She was such a girl as this.

But in the days that past, as the girl grew older, those sunny fall day grew too cold for comfort, and the flowers all died away, and the ice cream was all gone. And before she knew it, so was her daddy, and her park fun time, and her grades, and her happiness.

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